New Foresight Longevity Bio & Molecular Nano Grants Program
post by Allison Duettmann (allison-duettmann) · 2025-02-04T00:28:30.147Z · LW · GW · 0 commentsContents
Longevity Biotechnology Molecular Nanotechnology None No comments
Foresight Institute is launching a new Longevity Bio & Molecular Nano Grants program.
The focus is on fast turnaround of small grant amounts to help frontier longevity biotechnology or molecular nanotechnology ideas and projects get off the ground quickly.
Areas we fund include but are not limited to include:
Longevity Biotechnology
- Healthcare 3.0: Advancing biomarker analysis and scalable personal longevity approaches
- Reversible Biostasis: Pioneering new approaches to reversible biological preservation
- Replacement: Developing organ, brain, and whole body replacement approaches
- ECM: Maintaining or improving extra cellular matrix health for healthy aging
- Exosomes: Exosomes for tissue repair, drug delivery, and other longevity interventions
- Automation: Accelerating scientific discovery, research, and lab work through automation
Molecular Nanotechnology
- Design and Simulation: Developing cutting-edge modeling software for molecular systems
- Construction and Assembly: Paths for integrating various DNA, protein, STM/AFM or other approaches toward molecular functional nanomachines or molecular 3D printers
- Actuation and Control: Approaches for generating motion and controlling functional nanomachines
- Near-term profitability: Analysis of promising near-term applications in climate, energy, health, materials, etc that pave a financially viable way for acceleration progress on long-term progress
- Automation: Accelerating scientific discovery, research, and lab work through automation
If that’s you, we encourage you to apply to the first round by March 31:
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