Model evals for dangerous capabilities

post by Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-09-23T11:00:00.866Z · LW · GW · 1 comments


  Summary of best practices
  How labs are doing
  Appendix: misc notes on best practices
  Appendix: misc notes on particular evals
  Appendix: reading list
1 comment

Testing an LM system for dangerous capabilities is crucial for assessing its risks.

Summary of best practices

Best practices for labs evaluating LM systems for dangerous capabilities:

Using easier evals or weak elicitation is fine, if it's done such that by the time the model crosses danger thresholds, the developer will be doing the full eval well.

These recommendations aren't novel — they just haven't been collected before.

How labs are doing

See DC evals: labs' practices.

This post basically doesn't consider some crucial factors in labs' evals, especially the quality of particular evals, nor some adjacent factors, especially capability thresholds and planned responses to reaching capability thresholds. One good eval is better than lots of bad evals but I haven't figured out which evals are good. What's missing from this post—especially which evals are good, plus illegible elicitation stuff—may well be more important than the desiderata this post captures.

DeepMindOpenAI ≥ Anthropic >>> Meta >> everyone else. The evals reports published by DeepMind, OpenAI, and Anthropic are similar. I only weakly endorse this ranking, and reasonable people disagree with it.

DeepMind, OpenAI, and Anthropic all have decent coverage of threat models; DeepMind is the best. They all do fine on sharing their methodology and reporting their results; DeepMind is the best. They're all doing poorly on sharing with third-party evaluators before deployment; DeepMind is the worst. (They're also all doing poorly on setting capability thresholds and planning responses, but that's out-of-scope for this post.)

My main asks on evals for the three labs are similar: improve the quality of their evals, improve their elicitation, be more transparent about eval methodology, and share better access with a few important third-party evaluators. For OpenAI and Anthropic, I'm particularly interested in them developing (or adopting others') evals for scheming or situational awareness capabilities, or committing to let Apollo evaluate their models and incorporate that into their risk assessment process.

(Meta does some evals but has limited scope, fails to share some details on methodology and results, and has very poor elicitation. Microsoft has a "deployment safety board" but it seems likely ineffective, and it doesn't seem to have a plan to do evals. xAI, Amazon, and others seem to be doing nothing.)

Appendix: misc notes on best practices

Coming in about 12 hours.

Appendix: misc notes on particular evals

This is very nonexhaustive, shallow (just based on labs' reports, not looking at particular tasks), and generally of limited insight. I'm writing it because I'm annoyed that when labs release or publish reports on their evals, nobody figures out whether the evals are good (or at least they don't tell me). Perhaps this section will inspire someone to write a better version of it.

Google DeepMind:

Evals sources: evals paperevals repoFrontier Safety FrameworkGemini 1.5.

Existing comments: Ryan Greenblatt [LW(p) · GW(p)].


DeepMind scored performance on each eval 0-4 (except CBRN), but doesn't have predetermined thresholds, and at least some evals would saturate substantially below 4. DeepMind's FSF has high-level "Critical Capability Levels" (CCLs); they feel pretty high; they use different categories from the evals described above (they're in Autonomy, Biosecurity, Cybersecurity, and ML R&D).[1]


Evals sources: o1 system cardPreparedness Frameworkevals repo.


OpenAI's PF has high-level "risk levels"; they feel pretty high; they are not operationalized in terms of low-level evals.


Evals sources: RSP evals report – Claude 3 OpusResponsible Scaling Policy.



Evals sources: Llama 3CyberSecEval 3.


Appendix: reading list

Sources on evals and elicitation:[2]

Sources on specific labs:

Thanks to several anonymous people for discussion and suggestions. They don't necessarily endorse this post.

Crossposted from AI Lab Watch. Subscribe on Substack.

  1. ^

     Misc notes:

    1. The FSF says:
      > we will define a set of evaluations called “early warning evaluations,” with a specific “pass” condition that flags when a CCL may be reached before the evaluations are run again. We are aiming to evaluate our models every 6x in effective compute and for every 3 months of fine-tuning progress. To account for the gap between rounds of evaluation, we will design early warning evaluations to give us an adequate safety buffer before a model reaches a CCL.
    2. The evals paper proposes a CCL for self-proliferation and tentatively suggests an early warning trigger. But this isn't in the FSF. And it says when a model meets this trigger, it is likely within 6x [] "effective compute" scaleup from the [] CCL, but a safety buffer should be almost certainly >6x effective compute from the CCL.
  2. ^

     This list may be bad. You can help by suggesting improvements.


Comments sorted by top scores.

comment by Zach Stein-Perlman · 2024-09-23T11:00:13.443Z · LW(p) · GW(p)

Footnote to table cells D18 and D19:

My reading of Anthropic's ARA threshold, which nobody has yet contradicted:

  1. The RSP defines/operationalizes 50% of ARA tasks (10% of the time) as a sufficient condition for ASL-3. (Sidenote: I think the literal reading is that this is an ASL-3 definition, but I assume it's supposed to be an operationalization of the safety buffer, 6x below ASL-3.)
  2. The May RSP evals report suggests 50% of ARA tasks (10% of the time) is merely a yellow line. (Pages 2 and 6, plus page 4 says "ARA Yellow Lines are clearly defined in the RSP" but the RSP's ARA threshold was not just a yellow line.)
  3. This is not kosher; Anthropic needs to formally amend the RSP to [raise the threshold / make the old threshold no longer binding].

(It's totally plausible that the old threshold was too low, but the solution is to raise it officially, not pretend that it's just a yellow line.)

(The forthcoming RSP update will make old thresholds moot; I'm just concerned that Anthropic ignored the RSP in the past.)

(Anthropic didn't cross the threshold and so didn't violate the RSP — it just ignored the RSP by implying that if it crossed the threshold it wouldn't necessarily respond as required by the RSP.)