

Comment by arrtoes on To Spread Science, Keep It Secret · 2020-08-22T07:13:08.201Z · LW · GW

I could always walk into my local university library and find all kinds of crazy cool knowledge. Friends at the time were all excited about the Anarchist Cookbook, I kept trying to tell them the really interesting stuff was at the library (a specialized library, but still). Now we have the internet. You only need the books and whatnot if you want a piece of paper that says you know the stuff (I prefer stronger proofs).

I'm pretty pissed about the journals and data being paywalled, and dig the take on that (hey, it's not "public", so it's not exactly verifiable), here's something along those lines:

It is all about value and utility though, I think. There are so many facets to why we are where we are when we are. As a fan of paradox, here's some ruminations on one that might kind of fit in here, at least for some mulling over:

I've got faith we'll get there, eventually, even though we could be "there" already. FWIW, Science is not Truth, but it is pretty useful, unlike raw belief.