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Comment by Bob Guran (the-wizzart) on Why Science is slowing down, Universities and Maslow's hierarchy of needs · 2022-08-27T09:59:04.496Z · LW · GW

I strongly disagree with the points raised above. It is unjust to compare apples to pears. The tax rates in Germany may appear to be high, but it provides various benefits, for example free healthcare and education, social security net etc. Furthermore, Germany has a progressive tax system, which means that if you earn more your tax rate increases. You need to earn €277,826 per year (2023), in order to be taxed at 45%(Source). This high tax rate promotes more equitable wealth and income distribution, thereby reducing social inequalities. How likely that in the USA a person can retire at 40? How many percentage of the people can afford that?

Comment by Bob Guran (the-wizzart) on Is population collapse due to low birth rates a problem? · 2022-08-27T08:28:40.385Z · LW · GW

Somebody has to support the elderly people. The other aspect is the capitalism and consumerism point of view. But all this hopefully will be good for the planet and other species.