
CaiwitzAzaria's Shortform 2024-06-12T12:46:26.959Z
Show LW: Debate on Philosophy being dead 2019-04-24T13:35:11.457Z
Ask LW: Have you read Yudkowsky's AI to Zombie book? 2019-03-17T13:31:07.155Z
Terrorism and Russell's love of excitement 2019-03-16T06:53:39.382Z
Show LW: Fallacyfiles 2019-03-10T00:16:27.056Z


Comment by CaiwitzAzaria on CaiwitzAzaria's Shortform · 2024-06-12T12:46:27.075Z · LW · GW

Would we make better progress in AI thinking if we all collectively spoke german?

Comment by CaiwitzAzaria on Ask LW: Have you read Yudkowsky's AI to Zombie book? · 2019-03-23T09:10:00.996Z · LW · GW

Inspiring what you have achieved. I was thinking if I should embark too and translate it in my native language (Romanian) but maybe it may be a waste of time since the language is basically a hybrid and it has many logical fallacies ( double negatives are allowed for some reason). Maybe I could ask this: did you translated them one by one? (Or is google translate good enough for some essays since it is a long book) How much time did you spend? Are you going to publish (if legally possible) it so you make it more popular in your country?

Comment by CaiwitzAzaria on Ask LW: Have you read Yudkowsky's AI to Zombie book? · 2019-03-18T16:27:54.462Z · LW · GW

It may have been a lot of more Bayesian quantum physics interpretation but I still found it enlighting for a layman to understand non locality and entanglement. If you would be kind to recommend some literature or even videos you found great about QM? (Which doesn't take the axiomatical belief that is ComPlex or ComPlicated which is the bad label they got that Eliezer mentioned)