

Comment by entropizer on The Right to be Wrong · 2017-11-30T01:31:23.448Z · LW · GW

Two additional senses in which a "right to be wrong" might be justified: in differing risk preferences, individually, or the usefulness of holdout populations, societally.

Comment by entropizer on The Copernican Revolution from the Inside · 2017-11-09T14:45:08.316Z · LW · GW

I don't think people should try to emulate heliocentrists because I think that acting like they did would generally lead people to failure, not success. The lesson I take from this is that stubborn holdout populations who refuse to accept the obvious are important to the health of science as an ecosystem of ideas. But I don't think stubbornness should be seen as a general purpose virtue. I think Aristotle and co just experienced epistemic luck.