

Comment by estelendur on Maps vs Buttons; Nerds vs Normies · 2018-01-02T16:17:20.191Z · LW · GW

Hi! I'm a nerd in many respects but I am enough of a normal person to have noticed a sense of offense while reading this. Perhaps I am an unrepresentative sample: I was offended because I want to believe that I am engaging in real thought, and that I have a map of the world that I refer to when constructing my answers, but I suspect that secretly I am just a button-presser when you get right down to it. I did feel pretty dehumanized, actually.

I actually feel as though I am not able to adequately participate in either form of communication, the nerd or the normal. This may be the result of inadequate social training teaming up with inadequate intellectual rigor. But because I cannot do "nerd" well enough, that (to my subconscious) must mean I am "normal" and hence inferior.