

Comment by ETranshumanist on Crazy Ideas Thread, Aug. 2015 · 2015-08-12T17:08:29.628Z · LW · GW

We could double humanity's genetic "shuffle rate" by allowing couples to have one child naturally but requiring men to donate their sperm to a central bank, and women to carry and give birth to "randomly-fathered" children.

Obviously the institutional and logistical (not to mention ethical) challenges make this impossible in any present society. But for a planned community of fixed size (e.g. a small colony of humans attempting to rapidly populate a planet, or a starship designed to support the minimum possible human population with the highest possible genetic diversity), such measures may be a practical necessity.

I suspect this has been explored in Science Fiction, though I've never read anything in which this idea was put into practice.

Comment by ETranshumanist on New forum for MIRI research: Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum · 2015-03-19T16:59:24.348Z · LW · GW

Thank you!

Comment by ETranshumanist on New forum for MIRI research: Intelligent Agent Foundations Forum · 2015-03-19T14:46:26.914Z · LW · GW

Your Link Throws a 502 error. Is the server down?