
xkcd on the AI box experiment 2014-11-21T08:26:21.168Z
What information has surprised you most recently? 2012-12-09T04:43:58.029Z
Less Wrong link exchange 2011-11-02T10:24:37.111Z
Podcast on Cryonics by 'Stuff you should know' 2011-09-04T22:36:35.194Z
Rationalist approach to developing Writing skills 2011-07-14T15:00:39.942Z
Best articles to link to when introducing someone to Less Wrong? 2011-07-06T00:52:50.771Z
Start the week - On life extension, neuro-ethics, human enhancement and materialism 2011-06-27T21:13:45.580Z


Comment by FiftyTwo on EA Vegan Advocacy is not truthseeking, and it’s everyone’s problem · 2023-10-20T10:28:04.957Z · LW · GW

I feel like you're conflating two different levels, the discourse in wider global society and within a specific community. 

I doubt you'd find anyone here who would disagree that actions by big companies that obscure the truth are bad. But they're not the ones arguing on these forums or reading this post. Vegans have a significant presence in EA spaces so should be contributing to those productively and promoting good epistemic norms. What the lobbying team of Big Meat Co. does has no impact on that. 

Also in general I'm leery of any argument of the form "the other side does as bad or worse so its okay for us to do so" given history. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on EA Vegan Advocacy is not truthseeking, and it’s everyone’s problem · 2023-10-20T10:20:26.166Z · LW · GW

I somewhat agree with this but I think its an uncharitable framing of the point, since virtue signalling is generally used for insincerity. My impression is that the vegans I've spoken with are mostly acting sincerely based on their moral premises, but those are not ones I share. If you sincerely believe that a vast atrocity is taking place that society is ignoring then a strident emotional reaction is understandable. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on EA Vegan Advocacy is not truthseeking, and it’s everyone’s problem · 2023-10-20T10:12:48.604Z · LW · GW

I've definitely noticed a shift in the time I've been involved or aware of EA. In the early 2010s it was mostly focused on global poverty and the general idea of evidence based charity, and veganism was peripheral. Now it seems like a lot of groups are mainly about veganism, and very resistant to people who think otherwise. And as veganism is a minority position that is going to put off people who would otherwise be interested in EA

Comment by FiftyTwo on We have to Upgrade · 2023-07-19T22:10:09.086Z · LW · GW

You still run into the alignment problem of ensuring that the upgraded version of you aligns with your values, or some extension of them. If my uploaded transhuman self decides to turn the world into paperclips that's just as bad as if a non-human AGI does. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on [link] Guide on How to Learn Programming · 2023-03-16T17:33:22.258Z · LW · GW

Never really got anywhere. Its long enough ago that I don't really remember why, but think I generally found it unengaging. Have periodically tried to teach myself programming through different methods since then but none have stuck. This probably speaks to the difficulty of learning new skills when you have limited time/energy resources, and no specific motivation, more than anything else. (Have had similar difficulties with language learning, but got past them due to short term practical benefits, and devoting specific time to the task). 

Comment by FiftyTwo on Consent Isn't Always Enough · 2023-02-26T11:47:17.183Z · LW · GW

It mixes the personal and professional level

Possibly reflective of a wider issue in EA/rationalist spaces where the two are often not very clearly delineated. In that sense EA is more like hobby/fandom communities than professional ones. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on Kelly Bet on Everything · 2022-11-10T00:41:04.320Z · LW · GW

Saying that people would be better off taking more risks under a particular model elides the question of why they don't take those risks to begin with, and how we can change that. If its desirable to do so. 

The psychological impact of a loss of x is generally higher than that of a corresponding gain. So if I know I will feel worse from losing $10 than I will feel good from gaining $100, then its entirely rational in my utility function to not take a 50/50 bet between those two outcomes.  Maybe I would be better off overall if I didn't over weight losses, but utility functions aren't easily rewritable by humans. The closest you could come is some kind of exposure therapy to losses. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on Proposal: Consider not using distance-direction-dimension words in abstract discussions · 2022-08-10T22:42:41.906Z · LW · GW

Also, we have a huge amount of mental architecture devoted to understanding and remembering spatial relationships of objects (for obvious evolutionary reasons). Using that as a metaphor for purely abstract things allows us to take advantage of that mental architecture to make other tasks easier.

A very structured version of this would be something like a memory palace where you assign ideas to specific locations in a place, but I think we are doing the same thing often when we talk about ideas in spatial relationships, and build loose mental models of them as existing in spatial relationship to one another (or at least I do). 

Comment by FiftyTwo on ITT-passing and civility are good; "charity" is bad; steelmanning is niche · 2022-07-30T22:49:35.980Z · LW · GW

I think the core thing here is same-sidedness.

The converse of this is that the maximally charitable approach can be harmful when the interlocutor is fundamentally not on the same side as you, in trying to honestly discuss a topic and arrive at truth. I've seen people tie themselves in knots when trying to apply the principle of charity, when the most parsimonious explanation is that the other side is not engaging in good faith, and shouldn't be treated as such. 

It's taken me a long time to internalise this, because my instinct is to take what people say at face value. But its important to remember that sometimes there isn't anything complex or nuanced going on, people can just lie.

Comment by FiftyTwo on CFAR Handbook: Introduction · 2022-07-01T10:05:11.467Z · LW · GW

Thanks. This is the kind of content I originally came to LW for a decade ago, but seems to have become less popular

Comment by FiftyTwo on Ideal governance (for companies, countries and more) · 2022-04-12T16:07:59.134Z · LW · GW

You might find Origins Of Political Order interesting. Emphasis on how the principle agent problem is one of the central issues of governance and how without strong mechanisms systems tend to descend into corruption

Comment by FiftyTwo on Playing with DALL·E 2 · 2022-04-10T18:49:03.432Z · LW · GW

Is there any way of reverse engineering from these pictures what existing images were used to generate them? Would be interesting to see how much similarity there is. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on [RETRACTED] It's time for EA leadership to pull the short-timelines fire alarm. · 2022-04-09T22:38:52.137Z · LW · GW

So we just need to get two superpowers who currently feel they are in a zero sum competition with each other to stop trying to advance in an area that gives them a potentially infinite advantage? Seems a very classic case of the kind of coordination problems that are difficult to solve, with high rewards for defecting.

We have, partially managed to do this for nuclear and biological weapons. But only with a massive oversight infrastructure that doesn't exist for AI. And relying on physical evidence and materials control that doesn't exist for AI. It's not impossible, but it would require a similar level of concerted international effort that was used for nuclear weapons. Which took a long time, so possibly doesn't fit with your short timeline

Comment by FiftyTwo on Dr Fauci as Machiavellian Boddhisattva · 2022-04-08T20:07:50.560Z · LW · GW

A more charitable interpretation of the same evidence would be that as a public health professional Dr Fauci has a lot of experience with the difficulties of communicating complex and messages and the political tradeoffs that are necessary for effective action. And has judged based on that experience what is most effective to say. Do you have data he doesn't? Or a reason to think his experience in his speciality is inapplicable?

Comment by FiftyTwo on [RETRACTED] It's time for EA leadership to pull the short-timelines fire alarm. · 2022-04-08T19:23:14.772Z · LW · GW

Earth does have the global infrastructure

It does? What do you mean? The only thing I can think of is the UN, and recent events don't make it very likely they'd engage in coordinated action on anything.

Comment by FiftyTwo on [RETRACTED] It's time for EA leadership to pull the short-timelines fire alarm. · 2022-04-08T19:21:40.590Z · LW · GW

It should not take long, given these pieces and a moderate amount of iteration, to create an agentic system capable of long-term decision-making

That is, to put it mildly, a pretty strong claim, and one I don't think the rest of your post really justifies. Without which it's still just listing a theoretical thing to worry about

Comment by FiftyTwo on The Long Long Covid Post · 2022-03-19T17:52:59.257Z · LW · GW

If you're an otherwise healthy young person who has tested positive, what's the best thing you can do to prevent getting long covid? Seems like there's research saying that exercising too early can make it worse, but other articles saying good things about exercise, and I'm not sure how to evaluate it.  

Comment by FiftyTwo on Eight Short Studies On Excuses · 2022-03-12T18:18:17.427Z · LW · GW

My greatest legacy

Comment by FiftyTwo on What should a student who is already a decent programmer do over the summer? · 2022-01-25T23:56:56.945Z · LW · GW

Good programmers who are a pain to work with are much less successful than average programmers who are pleasant to work with. Increasing technical competency has diminishing returns. So I'd focus on doing things that gets you more experience of working with people, the business development internship may do that depending on the details. Also things like working in a bar or restaurant. 

Note that this is distinct from the standard advice on developing social skills. Being good at talking to strangers and going to parties is good. But working well with people in an employment context is different, its much more about maintaining working relationships with people you may not especially like, than forming deep connections. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on An Outside View on Less Wrong's Advice · 2022-01-25T23:41:47.077Z · LW · GW

I'd be curious what you think now after many years to see the effects of things in practice

Comment by FiftyTwo on London, UK – ACX Meetups Everywhere 2021 · 2021-10-17T09:41:55.279Z · LW · GW

Great to see everyone. Is there somewhere we can sign up for future events in London?

Comment by FiftyTwo on Monastery and Throne · 2021-04-08T23:25:21.819Z · LW · GW

Characterising the reaction to Cummings as about being about people overreacting to a small violation of the rules is misleading. The issue wasn't the initial rule violation, it was that the initial denial and lack of even token punishment was symbolic of a wider issue in the Johnson government with corruption and cronyism. Caring about hypocrisy and corruption among leaders is entirely rational as it is indicative of how they will make other decisions in the future. 

Comment by FiftyTwo on I'm from a parallel Earth with much higher coordination: AMA · 2021-04-08T18:26:38.748Z · LW · GW

Yeah I like a lot of EY's stuff (otherwise I wouldn't be here) but he does have a habit of treating his own preferences as universal, or failing to appreciate when there might be good reasons that the seemingly obvious solution doesn't work, as is common with people commenting on areas outside their expertise

Comment by FiftyTwo on Covid 3/18: An Expected Quantity of Blood Clots · 2021-03-20T15:34:05.680Z · LW · GW

I think its unfair to say "everyone in Europe lost their minds" when the EU health agency was very loudly saying things were fine. It would be more accurate to say a couple of specific countries medical regulators and some politicians went crazy. 

Obviously that's still bad, but when looking at systemic failures like this it is important to identify the actual source of the problem. Which seem to be due to idiosyncratic political issues in teh countries involved. Blaming the wrong people undermines the ones who have been doing a good job

Comment by FiftyTwo on Hero Licensing · 2017-12-02T06:24:37.462Z · LW · GW

How would you differentiate this from someone just asking for additional evidence because they think you've made a false statement? E.g. If Alice tells Bob the earth is flat, its reasonable for him to ask for additional evidence, and doing so doesn't imply he's playing status games. But could equally reasonably be replied to by saying that Bob is only disagreeing because he thinks Alice isn't high status enough to make cosmological claims.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Hero Licensing · 2017-12-02T06:19:32.378Z · LW · GW

Like, who has the authority to say "thou shalt not try things that might fail"? As long as you're not conning anybody out of resources, your failure doesn't pick anybody else's pocket.

What about altruistic reasons for asking? If my friend is planning to quit their job and become a famous musician I would probably attempt strongly to dissuade them, even if it wouldn't directly affect me.

If however I thought they were likely to succeed (e.g. have made money selling music on bandcamp and performing, in talks with a record company, etc.) I probably wouldn't dissuade them.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Hero Licensing · 2017-12-02T06:11:19.722Z · LW · GW

I feel like after reading this I have a much better insight into how Eliezer thinks than I did before, even having read most of his published work.

I think his model of other people is off though.

Specifically, he uses ideas of comparative status to explain other people not challenging conventional wisdom, or trying new things a lot. Which feels like it could be a fully general argument for any observed behaviour (e.g. it could equally well explain a habit of disproportionately challenging experts, as being in conflict with them puts you at their level and gains status).

I think its more accurate to say that people are reluctant to try new things because of loss aversion. Let’s say people are investing a certain amount of time and energy in a project, like writing HPMOR, one option has a 1/100 chance of a million-dollar (or utils or whatever) reward, the other is a certainty of a thousand dollars. Most people would choose the second, even if that’s not what the naive math would say. Similarly, if they thought that a project as big as writing a novel had a 9/10 chance of being a flop, then they wouldn’t even try it. (I definitely notice this habit in myself, rejections and failures weigh on me mentally more than successes. So, my behaviour often defaults to avoiding them.) The moderate position is to start with less investment heavy/risky projects first to get a better idea of likely success levels and build confidence.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Language Learning and the Dark Arts. · 2017-01-01T05:14:24.549Z · LW · GW

Hello! Just rediscovered this thread. The website doesn't seem to be up anymore. How did it go in the end? Where are you at with learning mandarin?

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open Thread, Apr. 27 - May 3, 2015 · 2015-04-28T15:21:01.099Z · LW · GW

Since you seem to be sincere in asking for reasons:

"Whore" is considered an unpleasant word by many people. That combined with the overall tone may have made people think your intention was trollish

You seem to deeply misunderstand the dynamics that lead to ssex eduation being the way it is. There is no plausible transition from the way the world exists at present to one where retired sex workers were employed in the school system to teach sex education.

  • a) Because the majority still have moral objections to sex work and it is illegal in many places.

  • b) there is no common agreement that children should be taught about sex full stop, much less about sexual techniques aimed at pleasure. The only way the very minimal sex education that does exist has been allowed has come to exist is because it framed in terms of health

Comment by FiftyTwo on What are "the really good ideas" that Peter Thiel says are too dangerous to mention? · 2015-04-18T06:45:43.503Z · LW · GW

Maybe he's secretly a creationist, its unlikely but it would be more interesting/controversial than he standard internet contrarian ideas.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Language Learning and the Dark Arts. · 2015-04-07T14:35:01.614Z · LW · GW
Comment by FiftyTwo on Rationality: From AI to Zombies · 2015-03-18T09:06:49.102Z · LW · GW

Might be worth including the and other store links.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality discussion thread, March 2015, chapter 121 · 2015-03-15T01:25:49.660Z · LW · GW

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread, Feb. 9 - Feb. 15, 2015 · 2015-02-10T23:03:31.591Z · LW · GW

I want to say no purely because of my default suspicion of anyone offering me a free vacation.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread, Feb. 9 - Feb. 15, 2015 · 2015-02-10T23:01:43.559Z · LW · GW

In general collecting data is cheap and we're getting better at sorting and using it, so bias towards collecting data

Also focus on developing skills in areas unlikely to be automated anytime soon

Comment by FiftyTwo on 2014 Survey Results · 2015-01-18T01:38:55.107Z · LW · GW

Personally I was surprised so amny cis people strongly identified with their gender

[tpical mind etc...]

Comment by FiftyTwo on I'm the new moderator · 2015-01-18T01:16:56.380Z · LW · GW

All hail!

Do you have any plans for changes?

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread Jan. 5-11, 2015 · 2015-01-05T16:36:45.457Z · LW · GW

I've managed to partly transmute my "I want to buy that now" impulse into sending a sample to my kindle. Then if I never get past the first few pages I've not actually spent any money, if I reach the end of the sample and still want to continue I know I'm likely to keep going .

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread, Dec. 22 - Dec. 28, 2014 · 2014-12-29T04:36:42.672Z · LW · GW

I find I often pickup mindsets and patterns of thought from from reading fiction or first person non-fiction. E.g. I'm a non-sociopath, but I noticed thought patterns more simlar when reading "Confessions of a Sociopath"

I figure this may be a useful way to hack myself towards positive behaviours. Can anyone reccomend fiction that would encourage high productivity mindsets?

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread, Dec. 15 - Dec. 21, 2014 · 2014-12-16T15:01:03.836Z · LW · GW

[Meta] I often see threads like this where people recommend things that require a very high level of conscientiousness or planning ability to start with, (e.g. if you are tired in the mornings get out of bed immediately and do x, requirs you to be capable of forcing yourself to do x when you are tired.)

Comment by FiftyTwo on Has LessWrong Ever Backfired On You? · 2014-12-16T14:58:14.917Z · LW · GW

Using terms that I picked up here which are not well known, or mean different things in different contexts

Also, I sometimes over pattern match arguments and concepts I've picked up on Lesswrong to other situations, which can result in trying to condescendingly explain something irrelevant.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Has LessWrong Ever Backfired On You? · 2014-12-16T14:56:24.013Z · LW · GW

Yeah, I've had people complain about the standard basilisk and weird AI speculation stuff. Also the association with neoreactionaries, sexists and HBD people.

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-23T12:14:14.375Z · LW · GW

What incentive does the future AI have to do this once you've already helped it?

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-23T12:09:23.672Z · LW · GW

alternatively sell empty boxes labelled "Don't look!"

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-21T11:29:27.574Z · LW · GW

If it decreases the number of people who take you seriously and therefore learn bout the substance of your ideas its a bad strategy

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-21T10:50:41.456Z · LW · GW

Yeah that would be a much better response. Or alternatively get someone who is more suited to PR to deal with this sort of thing

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-21T10:49:00.501Z · LW · GW

Does MIRI have a public relations person? They should really be dealing with this stuff. Eleizer is an amazing writer but he's not particularly suited to addressing a non-expert crowd

Comment by FiftyTwo on xkcd on the AI box experiment · 2014-11-21T10:47:25.040Z · LW · GW

That response in /r/futurology is really good actually, I hadn't seen it before. Maybe it should be reposted (with the sarcasm slightly toned down) as a main article here?

Also kudos to Eleizer for admitting he messed up with the original deletion.

Comment by FiftyTwo on Open thread, Nov. 17 - Nov. 23, 2014 · 2014-11-21T08:33:29.539Z · LW · GW

Wy is that the "main" damage? I'd agree mmale appearance standards have also changed, but generic western society values women on their appearance more than men so you'd expect the psychological impat to be larger.

Comment by FiftyTwo on The Centre for Effective Altruism is hiring to fill five roles in research, operations and outreach · 2014-11-20T23:40:20.176Z · LW · GW

If I'm unsure what position I would be most suited for can I apply for several?