
[LINK] Neuroeconomics course on coursera started just this week 2014-06-26T18:38:33.792Z
Meetup : Zagreb Meetup 2013-09-04T17:38:43.779Z
Meetup : Zagreb meetup - July 27th 2013-07-19T16:55:07.508Z


Comment by IsTheLittleLion on Akrasia Tactics Review 3: The Return of the Akrasia · 2017-04-11T11:36:06.924Z · LW · GW
  • Mini Habits, 10 points, ~2 months. Still early to say but this seems so effective it puts it in a league of it's own. This helped me to exercise every day, eat healthy, and do mindfulness meditation each day (among other things) for the past few months.

  • Stoicism, 7 points, 1 year. Nothing can ruin your productivity as negative emotions can. Stoicism in the form of Daily Stoic proved effective for me in reducing negative emotions. Now I have a habit of reading one page of Daily Stoic per day.

  • Mindfulness meditation, 7 points, 4 years. It has been on and off for me few months at a time. While on, seems like it improves my ability to concentrate and I notice I'm procrastinating easier. Also helps to reduce negative emotions.

  • ZTD (or simply a TODO list), 4 points, 5 years. A simplified form of GTD.

  • Reducing alcohol consumption, 4 points, 1 year.

  • Nicorette gum, 2 points, 1 year. It works better than caffeine for me.

  • Modafinil, 1 point, 2 years. It makes me irritable so I use it only when I know I have the whole day for myself.

New one I invented: one-day personhood. Has similar effects as stoicism and mindfulness. Still too early to say the strength of the effects.

Comment by IsTheLittleLion on Double Crux — A Strategy for Mutual Understanding · 2017-02-05T12:27:37.822Z · LW · GW

This is my response in which I propose a different approach.

Comment by IsTheLittleLion on Yvain's most important articles · 2015-08-25T16:36:07.327Z · LW · GW

"Eight Short Studies on Excuses" link is wrong.

Comment by IsTheLittleLion on [LINK] Neuroeconomics course on coursera started just this week · 2014-06-28T05:49:49.813Z · LW · GW

Judging from previous experiences with coursera, you can cover a lot of gorund in a nine weeks online course. It should be enough time to go through the most important neuroeconomics experiments and central ideas.

Comment by IsTheLittleLion on Open thread, July 16-22, 2013 · 2013-07-18T20:09:05.484Z · LW · GW

Me and my friend are organizing a new meetup in Zagreb but I don't have enough karma to make an announcement here. Thanks!