

Comment by koyakei on How to Beat Procrastination · 2012-09-07T00:06:56.619Z · LW · GW

I think motivation creates human activity ,then human activity make result. I feel this essay express function before motivation occur.

In real world there is many way to change motive to result. But in contents management system (CMS)like here, there is few wat to choose.

To writ e this essay, and gather comments , we have to use various ability. Brainstorming , correcting grammar, quoting ect... We tend to procrastinate quoting during brainstorming, because of homo sapiens are created for dedicate one thing. Malti tasker is exception. In Wierd magazine , (1)there is article about super multi tasker , that express less than 1/100 people are fit for multi task. In addition, CMS have feature , for example, twitter is good at brain storming but not good at correcting ideas and make refrence link like wiki. To slove this problem, I propose integrate all CMS with save all infomation per comments approximately 144 letters, and controlling readable editable visible per comments ,per ID. With this system ,someone who detect wierd article link ,Insert quote (1) directory. tell this link in comment , I have to edit this article again. I propose to beate procrastination , smoothing result is a solution. Conclution of this essay is ideal solution. I propose this system for I do not want effort like this conclusion. details here!819!925