No you won't... ...because the configuration of life that refers to itself as you will be gone.
Whenever I come across a conversation concerning the mind and it's relation to physics I think of what a Cognitive science lecturer of mine had to say on the subject.
Physicalism is a form of insistence that there is some mind-independent description of the world. Any definition of the physical brings with it the concomitant necessity to define the mental. I'm sorry if my writing is unclear on this, but it attempts to point out that there is no "easy route" through an appeal to the physical, as any appeal to the physical necessarily depends on some view of the mystical, magical, never to be seen, mental. Physicalism is thus not any kind of plausible metaphysics.
4.5 years later still on SSRI's, a bit suicidal. Seeing a therapist, looking for a psychiatrist. Feels like I'm going to lose my mind and believe any old thing, return to a community and a way of life I despise (because of mind loss). So I came here to see what LW's have to say on this and noticed my old post. This has been going on for a while, no resolution in sight.
I live in Ireland. Ireland is definitely not a bilingual country.
It's all burdensome to me.
Whether or not it's a large cultural phenomenon has nothing to do with how sensible the material is. It's actually probably brilliant fantasy I would agree, but if I'm looking for good sci-fi it's a bore fest.
Oh I completely agree. It's just my experience of Doctor Who has been that it's a well of irrational story lines. For example why would the TARDIS have a soul?
I know this is probably an ad hominem but isn't Gaiman the guy who wrote Doctor Who episodes? The worst sci-fi show ever.
As an update, I've read the the Free Will Solution sequence. It doesn't seem like there is any punchline to the sequences, I'm found the area of timeless physics interesting but I'm not sure how it helps. I don't think I'm any better off intellectually from the sequences.
Brain emulation, how much do I need to understand and know before it makes any kind of sense?
Does anyone else find the free will solution sequence totally unconvincing?
Mayhaps not indeed.
When I get the time surely. I find cognitive science by definition quite unclear, it seems far too young a discipline with many different goals and theories attaching themselves to the moniker Cognitive Science. From a personal perspective and from the formal education I've received the cognitivism which I think lesswrong/tranhumanists endorse make me very uneasy even though I'm a LW and TH.
Is anybody interested in enactivism? Does anybody think that there is a cognitivist bias in LessWrong?
No open thread for Jan 2014 so I'll ask here. Is anybody interested in enactivism? Does anybody think that there is a cognitivist bias in LessWrong?
Coming from the other the side what makes Robert Greene think I want to be pushed to do anything. I can imagine situations were a person is a road sweeper(no offence intended) then fully accepts their mortality and still stays a road sweeper.
Right, I've read the solution sequence to "free will" and all I've managed to glean from it is that a) I'm physics, whose ontology I'm quite ignorant of and b) free will is conceptually incoherent and needs dissolving. I certainly don't feel like or believe I have free will or that I could influence the creation of FAI by desire for example. Is there something Louis(me) is missing that Louie isn't from the sequence? I find the sequence too long and prosaic to fit in my head to make a visceral impact. Is there a more concise alternative or even just an alternative that would make Louis.belief == Louie.belief? I'm struggling guys please help.
Oh you mean healthy not normal? Few men are at 10-20%.
No. Why would you think that?
I suppose I just expect from people, even intelligent people on LW.
People who torture kittens for fun.
The reverse correlation doesn't work because I torture kittens too.
Do you still believe that fatty equals not good for you? Plus who the hell puts ketchup anywhere near pasta?
Has anybody looked into sarcopenia and resistance training can slow it's progression?
From my experience (anecdotal observation) is that with Crossfit what the participant brings into it largely determines what they take out of it. Now perhaps not all Crossfit boxes(gyms) share the same culture. But where I go there is a focus on form and scaling of workouts. Also those that are serious about progressing know how to hold back because rhabdo would destroy their(my) work and gains. Those who have no real goal except some loose idea of improved fitness and health never seem to push themselves hard enough to do damage. I'd say rhabdo would take a unique kind of desire to win over the pain to achieve.
Just to brag and promote: after a year of CF I've gained 6kg~ of muscle mass from 78kg to 84kg at 185cm. Crossfit is a tool to achieve fitness goals it doesn't provide the goals or the motivation just the means exercise both.
Depends on what you mean by normal?
And why is that a problem? You seem to be implying that a low-carb diet is The Only True Way which looks doubtful.
Because of the negative effects it has on your insulin response, leading to pancreas fatigue and type 2 diabetes.
The claim was about "health-conscious" people, not body-image-conscious.
I was under the impression that a low body fat percentage was healthier. Perhaps I'm wrong. I must admit my beliefs are influenced by aesthetics. I'd bet on low abdominal fat been the optimal via a low-ish carb diet.
It's high carb? It gives me heartburn (probably gluten intolerance?). If you are trying to go on a cut i.e. want a six pack it's a bad idea.
Is it meaningful to say something is only deterministic from the point of view of an observer?
I think this book maybe of some interest to you Chris. It was the text book recommend for a CogSci class I did, dealing with how cognitive systems develop in response to their environment.
I mean people want to tear chunks out of it for status reasons... ...I think.
Just wishing I had read GEB sooner. Reading it now and it seems to be getting ruined by politics.
I should really ring the GP today.
Thinking is metabolically expensive I guess(?)
Aw shit seg fault :D
I actually use Moodscope, probably because you mentioned it before? Unfortunately my average score since I started using it is 30%, there are large gaps for the summer time and my mood was better when I started using it first but not great. See my Moodscope Graph for a pic that's worth a 1000 words. I don't think moodscope is appropriate for me tbh. I need to avail of a stronger mental health treatment I think. :(
I'm not actually sure if I'm allowed to say that?
Edit: oops
The comfortable view is indistinguishable from the uncomfortable view I agree.
No doubt, but in science there is an expectation of consensus for the science to be useful.
Is this an example of a diseased discipline? Philosophers explore conceptual space. Mathematicians explore number space I guess? Yet the latter seems less fractured as discipline at least by my understanding which is probably pitiful.
Could you give me an example of working backwards? I'm in too much of a panicky haze to think clearly about it.
N00b question here. Are mainstream academic philosopher's interested in consensus?
Can't get the ones I'm interested in so I don't want them, perhaps? Bit of a catch 22.
Why did this get -1 karma?
Ya that's for sure. Does that mean I have to think like them to get with them? Am I even capable of that. Sorry for the off topic post.
Yes it makes perfectly good sense. I find the idea that I'm physics doing something is solid. I can't and wouldn't argue with it. The whole concept of free will in it's incoherency still seems to set me up for uncomfortable feelings that I seem to be able to do nothing about. I want to feel fine but panic wins instead.
When I talk about incoherence I mean things like what it means for my desires/actions/values to be free of causality or reason. If it were free of those things that means it would be random, and how can that be any more free(?!).
It's times like this I wish I was a topclass mathematician/theoretical physicist/philosopher combined.
Thanks really helpful post. I've never had a close physical partner relationship and I'm not sure the kind of damage that has done to my affective state. I suspect an awful lot. But it has become the norm for me and find it extremely difficult to even relate to someone who is not in that situation. I've also developed a strong distaste(hatred) for normative behaviour w.r.t settling down and having kids even having a partner. I'm in a situation where it comes across as a personality death sentence. Also I struggle with the having of kids idea. So there's a lot there that I don't even no where to begin unravelling the problem especially since the problem has become a part of who I am.
As for the exercise front for example, I'd say I'm in the 90th+ percentile of my local society or even the world I've no data on the amount of people with 6 packs(me: 85kg 1.85meters body fat level where I can see my abs) but most men my age (30.5 rotations of the sun) have double chins. This does not seem to translate well w.r.t attracting females I find attractive. Maybe I don't get out enough? My housemate tells me that the physical attractiveness of a man can be distorted when they open their mouth. I'm pretty sure my conversational behaviour and body language are rank with inadequacy, maybe even, juvenile.
The job situation is a crisis zone. I'm a software engineer, quelle suprise but I've never really embraced it, while I'm a good coder and have great grades and some decent experience, I've wasted a lot of opportunity in the world of s/w dev. My guess is the powerful, "call the shots" kind of people in the industry are usually people I don't like, I find the developer, manager personality split nauseating (or maybe I'm imagining that split). On meta level I think my analytical skills could be put to better use somewhere else (MSc in CompSci, Machine Learning/CogSci). Pay isn't so bad but definitely not good enough for me to have the lifestyle of my contemporaries in Dublin.
Would it be appropriate to thumbs up everyone who contributed?
I'm not alone then, what a relief. I can't seem to suck any long lasting joy out of the universe presently. The best I can do is keep myself away from depressive thoughts. How do you combat those tendencies? They always seem to get the better of me.
I'm trying to find out if fatalism is wrong and why or why not. So I'm committed to that. I'm not saying I'm behaving fatalistically, I'm asking what choice do I have.
You mean like I'm ignoring real issues in my current situation that make me feel as though I'm out of control?
Hmm I haven't seen anything either, my bad. Tis a shame, I'm not aware of any other optimal diet science. Is there any?