

Comment by lazado on Welcome to Less Wrong! (2012) · 2012-04-02T19:06:18.831Z · LW · GW

so the easiest way on beeing rational would be to stop thinking at all and just exist. ie going to work, then home, sleep and so on.

doesn't sound like a happy and intelligent life to me

Comment by lazado on Meetup : Graz Meetup · 2012-04-02T14:02:33.445Z · LW · GW

there is actually a non-smoker area in the "bar" in wich it is rather quit, because there aren't any people in there.

Comment by lazado on Welcome to Less Wrong! (2012) · 2012-04-02T11:31:35.995Z · LW · GW


i don't think much of rationality but i like smart people.

now pls hug me in a very rational way.


Comment by lazado on Meetup : Graz Meetup · 2012-04-02T11:23:14.001Z · LW · GW

i would suggest Tik Tak, Maygasse. And why don't we meet up on Saturday? Would be much easier since most of us have to work on monday.