

Comment by Manya on The Redaction Machine · 2022-10-12T02:53:02.237Z · LW · GW

Oof, this is both terrifying and inspiring.

Comment by Manya on AI researchers from Russia looking for a new home · 2022-03-19T23:07:03.894Z · LW · GW

I can't help directly, but I've been interacting with a lot of people trying to leave, so I'm aware of a bunch of resources that exist. You've probably seen many or all of these, and they're not AI-specific, but maybe it will still help. 

The most important thing I can say is, get out fast. Don't count on whatever works to get out now to still work in a month. The borders aren't closed yet, but they might be soon, especially for military age men. (I think the chance of this has gone down some, but it remains a live possibility.) If it's at all possible for you financially, get out first and figure out what to do long-term after that.

With that said, here's my list:

Good luck!!!