
How predictive processing solved my wrist pain 2024-07-04T01:56:20.162Z


Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on How predictive processing solved my wrist pain · 2024-07-07T20:15:16.718Z · LW · GW

Do you have some good pointers for fascia-based expllanations?

Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on How predictive processing solved my wrist pain · 2024-07-07T20:10:06.600Z · LW · GW

Good point — somatic exercises can change the way I use my wrists. Though, I'll note that the pain often notably changed in the course of the exercise. This could still be fascia-linked, but also strengthens my sense that the feedback loop as I described above captures some core dynamic.

Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on How predictive processing solved my wrist pain · 2024-07-07T20:07:36.794Z · LW · GW

Two incredible posts of yours — thank you also for sharing. I have been using PP here in a more loose ('poetic') sense. From a quick look at your post, it does seem like we mostly agree about the underlying phenomena. I look forward to reading in more detail your PP gripes.

Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on How predictive processing solved my wrist pain · 2024-07-07T20:01:22.868Z · LW · GW

Yeah — the book "The Way Out" is a popsci general introduction that contains the outline of the exercises enough to try it yourself. Happy also to talk more if that'd be helpful.

Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on $13,000 of prizes for changing our mind about who to fund (Clearer Thinking Regrants Forecasting Tournament) · 2022-09-20T22:57:59.191Z · LW · GW

This is very cool! Thank you for experimenting with grants in this format

Comment by max_shen (makoshen) on Ideal governance (for companies, countries and more) · 2022-04-05T20:18:27.801Z · LW · GW

You may find inspiration in papers like Modular Politics, which spawned Metagov, an online research community I'm a part of attempting to experiment with and understand digital governance. Although their focus is largely online platforms, there are a number of scholars adjacent to the community who study non-digital governance. (Related is the excellent 80,000 hours interview with Audrey Tang where she talks about Taiwan's governance experiments with Polis.)

The best older/non-digital literature I know of is from Elinor Ostrom — Governing the Commons is particularly good and provides a meta-ethnography of different long-lasting governance structures (ranging from villages in Yamanashi prefecture deciding how to harvest grain to Zanjera irrigation communities in the Phillipines). David Levi-Faur points out in the Oxford Handbook of Governance that 'governance'  (the systematic study of how people can/should make rules for each other) is somewhat recent (~1980s), and as far as I can tell, there isn't a deep governance literature that's comparable to, say, game theory. The work of social/political anthropologists like E.E. Evans-Pritchard and Meyer Fortes, who used case studies of the Nuer people in Ethiopia may also be a next good bet. 

I think governance is very important, and have tried to collect the most important questions in the space, which has involved a very brief and broad literature review. I've also been collecting digital constitutions and documenting the processes that spawned them. I consider the topic of governance both very rich and highly underexplored.