
Charisma Skills Workshop | Guild of the Rose 2024-09-19T13:03:05.506Z
Nuclear War, Map and Territory, Values | Guild of the Rose Newsletter, May 2024 2024-06-21T17:39:24.119Z
Disaster Preparedness 2024-04-22T21:38:05.905Z
How to Be Fun at Parties 2024-03-04T15:25:14.989Z
Update: Orienting Ourselves in 2024 | Guild of the ROSE 2024-01-19T16:48:16.085Z
Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance 2023-10-06T16:23:56.714Z
Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted 2023-05-16T17:39:55.038Z
The Parable of the King and the Random Process 2023-03-01T22:18:59.734Z
The Birth and Death of Sydney — The Bayesian Conspiracy Podcast 2023-02-27T22:36:59.691Z
The Emotional Type of a Decision 2023-02-21T20:35:17.276Z
Better New Year's Goals through Aligning the Elephant and the Rider 2023-01-01T17:54:48.386Z
Reflecting on the 2022 Guild of the Rose Workshops 2022-12-10T21:21:19.879Z
Proposal: Consider not using distance-direction-dimension words in abstract discussions 2022-08-09T20:44:13.256Z
Carrying the Torch: A Response to Anna Salamon by the Guild of the Rose 2022-07-06T14:20:14.847Z
Practical Decision-Making Course: A Retrospective 2022-02-05T16:25:12.614Z
The Structure of the Guild of the Rose 2022-01-21T19:40:56.317Z
You are invited to apply to the Guild of the ROSE 2021-08-13T18:25:35.568Z
Guild of the ROSE Mixer 2021-08-13T18:11:24.241Z
Rationality Yellow Belt Test Questions? 2021-07-06T18:15:41.029Z
Guild of Servants Bacchanalia (March 27, 2021) 2021-03-26T16:35:47.855Z
A Retrospective Look at the Guild of Servants: Alpha Phase 2021-03-22T20:34:30.520Z
Mental subagent implications for AI Safety 2021-01-03T18:59:50.315Z
New Eliezer Yudkowsky interview on We Want MoR, the HPMOR Podcast 2020-12-21T17:21:43.895Z
An Invitation to the Guild of the Rose — Alpha (formerly the Guild of Servants) 2020-08-14T19:03:23.973Z
We Want MoR (HPMOR Discussion Podcast) Completes Book One 2020-02-19T00:34:15.864Z
moridinamael's Shortform 2019-11-25T03:16:22.857Z
Literature on memetics? 2019-11-07T19:18:05.748Z
Complex Behavior from Simple (Sub)Agents 2019-05-10T21:44:04.895Z
A Dialogue on Rationalist Activism 2018-09-10T18:30:01.130Z
Sandboxing by Physical Simulation? 2018-08-01T00:36:32.374Z
A Sarno-Hanson Synthesis 2018-07-12T16:13:36.158Z
A Few Tips on How to Generally Feel Better (and Avoid Headaches) 2018-04-30T16:02:24.144Z
My Hammertime Final Exam 2018-03-22T18:40:55.539Z
Spamming Micro-Intentions to Generate Willpower 2018-02-13T20:16:09.651Z
Fun Theory in EverQuest 2018-02-05T20:26:34.761Z
The Monthly Newsletter as Thinking Tool 2018-02-02T16:42:49.325Z
"Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast" 2018-01-24T16:52:23.704Z
What the Universe Wants: Anthropics from the POV of Self-Replication 2018-01-12T19:03:34.044Z
A Simple Two-Axis Model of Subjective States, with Possible Applications to Utilitarian Problems 2018-01-02T18:07:20.456Z
Mushrooms 2017-11-10T16:57:33.700Z
The Five Hindrances to Doing the Thing 2017-09-25T17:04:53.643Z
Measuring the Sanity Waterline 2016-12-06T20:38:57.307Z
Jocko Podcast 2016-09-06T15:38:41.377Z
Deepmind Plans for Rat-Level AI 2016-08-18T16:26:05.540Z
Flowsheet Logic and Notecard Logic 2015-09-09T16:42:35.321Z
Less Wrong Business Networking Google Group 2014-04-24T14:45:21.253Z
Bad Concepts Repository 2013-06-27T03:16:14.136Z
Towards an Algorithm for (Human) Self-Modification 2011-03-29T23:40:26.774Z


Comment by moridinamael on Giant (In)scrutable Matrices: (Maybe) the Best of All Possible Worlds · 2024-12-30T21:12:14.243Z · LW · GW

This post resonated with me when it came out, and I think its thesis only seems more credible with time. Anthropic's seminal "Scaling Monosemanticity: Extracting Interpretable Features from Claude 3 Sonnet" (the Golden Gate Claude paper) seems right in line with these ideas. We can make scrutable the inscrutable as long as the inscrutable takes the form of something organized and regular and repeatable.

This article gets bonus points for me for being succinct and while still making its argument clearly.

Comment by moridinamael on The Parable of the King and the Random Process · 2024-12-30T18:59:31.105Z · LW · GW

My favorite Less Wrong posts are almost always the parables and the dialogues. I find it easier to process and remember information that is conveyed in this way. They're also simply more fun to read.

This post was originally written as an entry for the FTX Future Fund prize, which, at the time of writing the original draft, was a $1,000,000 prize, which I did not win, partly because it wasn't selected as the winner and partly because FTX imploded and the prize money vanished. (There is a lesson about the importance of proper calibration of the extrema of probability estimates somewhere in there.) In any case, I did not actually think I would win, because I was basically making fun of the contest organizers by pointing out that the whole ethos behind their prize specification was wrong. At the time, there was a live debate around timelines, and a lot of discussions about the bio-anchors paper, which itself made in microcosm the same mistakes that I was pointing at.

Technically, the very-first-draft of this post was an extremely long and detailed argument for short AGI timelines that I co-wrote with my brother, but I realized while writing it that the presumption that long and short timelines should be in some sense averaged together to get a better estimate was pervasive in the zeitgeist and needed to be addressed on its own.

I am happy with this post because it started a conversation that I thought needed to be had. My whole shtick these days is that our community has seemingly tried to skip over decision theory basics in favor of esoterica, to our collective detriment, and I feel like writing this post explicitly helped with that.

I am happy to have seen this post referenced favorably elsewhere. I think I wrote it about as well as I could have, given that I was going for the specific Less Wrong Parable stylistic thing and not trying to write literary fiction.

Comment by moridinamael on Is "VNM-agent" one of several options, for what minds can grow up into? · 2024-12-30T15:34:14.748Z · LW · GW

There is also a weird accident-of-history situation where all of the optimizers we’ve had for the last century are really single-objective optimizers at their core. The consequence of this has been that people have gotten in the habit of casting their optimization problems (mathematical, engineering, economic) in terms of a single-valued objective function, which is usually a simple weighted sum of the values of the objectives that they really care about.

To unpack my language choices briefly: when designing a vase, you care about its weight, its material cost, its strength, its radius, its height, possibly 50 other things including corrosion resistance and details of manufacturing complexity. To “optimize” the vase design, historically, you needed to come up with a function that smeared away the detail of the problem into one number, something like the “utility” of the vase design.

This is sort of terrible, if you think about it. You sacrifice resolution to make the problem easier to solve, but there’s a serious risk that you end up throwing away what you might have considered to be the global optimum when you do this. You also baked in something like a guess as to what the tradeoffs should be at the Pareto frontier prior to actually knowing what the solution would look like. You know you want the strongest, lightest, cheapest, largest, most beautiful vase, but you can’t have all those things at once, and you don’t really know how those factors trade off against each other until you’re able to hold the result in your hands and compare it to different “optimal” vases from slightly different manifolds. Of course, you can only do that if you accept that you are significantly uncertain about your preferences, meaning the design and optimization process should partly be viewed as an experiment aimed at uncovering your actual preferences regarding these design tradeoffs, which are a priori unknown.

The vase example is both a real example and also a metaphor for how considering humans as agents under the VNM paradigm is basically the same but possibly a million times worse. If you acknowledge the (true) assertion that you can’t really optimize a vase until you have a bunch of differently-optimal vases to examine in order to understand what you actually prefer and what tradeoffs you’re actually willing to make, you have to acknowledge that a human life, which is exponentially more complex, definitely cannot be usefully treated with such a tool.

As a final comment, there is almost a motte-bailey thing happening where Rationalists will say that, obviously, the VNM axioms describe the optimal framework in which to make decisions, and then proceed to never ever actually use the VNM axioms to make decisions.

Comment by moridinamael on Universal Basic Income and Poverty · 2024-07-29T20:48:13.804Z · LW · GW

This relates to my favorite question of economics: are graduate students poor or rich? This post suggests an answer I hadn’t thought of before: it depends on the attitudes of the graduate advisor, and almost nothing else.

Comment by moridinamael on microwave drilling is impractical · 2024-06-13T14:22:16.798Z · LW · GW

Just in case people aren't aware of this, drilling wells the "old fashioned way" is a very advanced technology. Typically a mechanically complex diamond-tipped tungsten carbide drill bit grinds its way down, while a fluid with precisely calibrated density and reactivity is circulated down the center of the drill string and back up the annulus between the drill string and edges of the hole, sweeping the drill cuttings up the borehole to the surface. A well 4 miles long and 8 inches wide has a volume of over 200,000L, meaning that's the volume of rock that has to be mechanically removed from the hole during drilling. So that's the volume of rock you would have to "blow" out of the hole with compressed air. You can see why using a circulating liquid with a reasonably high viscosity is more efficient for this purpose.

The other important thing about drilling fluid is that its density is calibrated to push statically against the walls of the hole as it is being drilled, preventing it from collapsing inward and preventing existing subsurface fluids from gushing into the wellbore. If you tried to drill a hole with no drilling fluid, it would probably collapse, and if it didn't collapse, it would fill with high pressure groundwater and/or oil and/or explosive natural gas, which would possibly gush straight to the surface and literally blow up your surface facilities. These are all things that would almost inevitably happen if you tried to drill a hole using microwaves and compressed air.

tl;dr, drilling with microwaves might sense if you're in space drilling into an asteroid, but makes so no sense for this application.

Comment by moridinamael on Daniel Kokotajlo's Shortform · 2024-05-24T18:14:40.982Z · LW · GW

Talking to Golden Gate Claude reminds me of my relationship with my sense of self. My awareness of being Me is constantly hovering and injecting itself into every context. Is this what "self is an illusion" really means? I just need to unclamp my sense of self from its maximum value?

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2024-05-20T15:15:24.398Z · LW · GW

I think it is also good to consider that it's the good-but-not-great hardware that has the best price-performance at any given point in time. The newest and best chips will always have a price premium. The chips one generation ago will be comparatively much cheaper per unit of performance. This has been generally true since I've started recording this kind of information.

As I think I mentioned in another comment, I didn't mention Moore's law at all because it has relatively little to do with the price-performance trend. It certainly is easy to end up with a superexponential trend when you have an (economic) exponential trend inside a (technological) exponential trend, but as other commenters point out, the economic term itself is probably superexponential, meaning we shouldn't be surprised to see price-performance to fall more quickly than exponential even without exponential progress in chip speed.

Comment by moridinamael on Rationality Research Report: Towards 10x OODA Looping? · 2024-02-25T17:26:05.893Z · LW · GW

One way of viewing planning is as an outer-loop on decision theory.

My approach to the general problem of planning skills was to start with decision theory and build up. In my Guild of the Rose Decision Theory courses was to spend time focusing on slowly building the most fundamental skills of decision theory. This included practicing manipulation of probabilities and utilities via decision trees, and practicing all these steps in a variety of both real and synthetic scenarios, to build an intuition regarding the nuances of how to set up decision problems on paper. The ultimate goal was to get the practitioners to the point where they usually don't need to draw up a decision tree on paper, but rather to leverage those intuitions to quickly solve decision problems mentally, and/or recognize when a decision problem is actually tricky enough to merit breaking out the spreadsheet or Guesstimate project.

In my experience, even long-time rationalists are so incredibly bad at basic decision theory that trying to skip the step of learning to correctly set up a basic decision tree might actually be counterproductive. So my inclination is to focus on really mastering this art before attempting planning.

Another way of viewing planning is that planning is search. 

For computationally bounded agents like us, search involves a natural tradeoff of breadth versus depth. Breadth is essentially idea generation, depth is idea selection and refinement. The tricky think about planning, in general, is that if 100x solutions exist, then those solutions are going to be found by spending the majority of the time on breadth-search, i.e. blue sky brainstorming for ways that the plan could look wildly different from the default approach, but that most situations don't admit 100x plans. Most things in life, especially in our technological civilization, are already sort of optimized, because there is some existing refined solution that has already accommodated the relevant tradeoffs. I could get to work faster if I flew there in a helicopter, but considering in costs, the Pareto optimum is still driving my car on the freeway. Most things look like this. Well-considered Pareto solutions to real-world problems tend to look boring!

Therefor, if you spend a lot of time looking for 100x solutions, you will waste a lot of time, because these solutions usually won't exist. Then, after failing to find a truly galaxy-brain solution, you will spend some amount of time refining the probably-already-obvious plan, realize that there are a lot of unknown-unknowns, and that the best way to get clarity on these is to just start working. Then you will realize that you would have been better off if you had just started working immediately and not bothered with "planning" at all, and you will either be Enlightened or depressed.

It gives me no pleasure to say this! Ten years ago I was all fired up on the idea that rationalists would Win and take over the world by finding these clever HPJEV-esque lateral thinking solutions. I have since realized that one creative rationalist is usually no match for tens of thousands of smart people exploring the manifold through natural breadth-first and then refining on the best solutions organically.

I am not actually completely blackpilled on the idea of scenario planning. Clearly there are situations for which scenario planning is appropriate. Massive capital allocations and long-term research programs might be two good examples. Even for these types of problems, it's worth remembering that the manifold probably only admits to marginal optimizations, not 100x optimizations, so you shouldn't spend too much time looking for them.

Comment by moridinamael on The LessWrong 2022 Review · 2023-12-13T19:00:30.224Z · LW · GW

Well, there’s your problem!

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-07T20:09:01.624Z · LW · GW
HardwarePrecisionTFLOPSPrice ($)TFLOPS/$
Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090FP882.58$1,600 0.05161
AMD RX 7600FP821.5$270 0.07963
TPU v5eINT8393$4730*0.08309
* Estimated, sources suggest $3000-6000  

From my notes. Your statement about RTX 4090 leading the pack in flops per dollar does not seem correct based on these sources, perhaps you have a better source for your numbers than I do. 

I did not realize that H100 had >3.9 PFLOPS at 8-bit precision until you prompted me to look, so I appreciate that nudge. That does put the H100 above the TPU v5e in terms of FLOPS/$. Prior to that addition, you can see why I said TPU v5e was taking the lead. Note that the sticker price for TPU v5e is estimated, partly from a variety of sources, partly from my own estimate calculated from the lock-in hourly usage rates.

Note that FP8 and INT8 are both 8-bit computations and are in a certain sense comparable if not necessarily equivalent.

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-07T14:53:53.157Z · LW · GW

Could you lay that out for me, a little bit more politely? I’m curious.

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-07T14:40:24.932Z · LW · GW

Does Roodman’s model concern price-performance or raw performance improvement? I can’t find the reference and figured you might know. In either case, price-performance only depends on Moore’s law-like considerations in the numerator, while the denominator (price) is a a function of economics, which is going to change very rapidly as returns to capital spent on chips used for AI begins to grow.

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-07T14:36:15.670Z · LW · GW

As I remarked in other comments on this post, this is a plot of price-performance. The denominator is price, which can become cheap very fast. Potentially, as the demand for AI inference ramps up over the coming decade, the price of chips falls fast enough to drive this curve without chip speed growing nearly as fast. It is primarily an economic argument, not a purely technological argument.

For the purposes of forecasting, and understanding what the coming decade will look like, I think we care more about price-performance than raw chip speed. This is particularly true in a regime where both training and inference of large models benefit from massive parallelism. This means you can scale by buying new chips, and from a business or consumer perspective you benefit if those chips get cheaper and/or if they get faster at the same price.

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-06T21:27:13.588Z · LW · GW

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind!

Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-06T18:30:13.622Z · LW · GW

A couple of things:

  1. TPUs are already effectively leaping above the GPU trend in price-performance. It is difficult to find an exact cost for a TPU because they are not sold retail, but my own low-confidence estimates for the price of a TPU v5e place its price-performance significantly above the GPU given in the plot. I would expect that the front runner in price-performance cease to be what we think of as GPUs and thus intrinsic architectural limitations of GPUs cease to be the critical bottleneck.
  2. Expecting price-performance to improve doesn't mean we necessarily expect hardware to improve, just that we become more efficient at making hardware. Economies of scale and refinements in manufacturing technology can dramatically improve price-performance by reducing manufacturing costs, without any improvement in the underlying hardware. Of course, in reality we expect both the hardware to become faster and the price of manufacturing it to fall. This is even more true as the sheer quantity of money being poured into compute manufacturing goes parabolic.
Comment by moridinamael on Super-Exponential versus Exponential Growth in Compute Price-Performance · 2023-10-06T18:24:56.171Z · LW · GW

The graph was showing up fine before, but seems to be missing now. Perhaps it will come back. The equation is simply an eyeballed curve fit to Kurzweil's own curve. I tried pretty hard to convey that the 1000x number is approximate:
 > Using the super-exponential extrapolation projects something closer to 1000x improvement in price-performance. Take these numbers as rough, since the extrapolations depend very much on the minutiae of how you do your curve fit. Regardless of the details, it is a difference of orders of magnitude.

The justification for putting the 1000x number in the post instead of precisely calculating a number from the curve fit is that the actual trend is pretty wobbly over the years, and my aim here is not to pretend at precision. If you just look at the plot, it looks like we should expect "about 3 orders of magnitude" which really is the limit of the precision level that I would be comfortable with stating. I would guess not lower than two orders of magnitude. Certainly not as low as one order of magnitude, as would be implied by the exponential extrapolation, and would require that we don't have any breakthroughs or new paradigms at all.

Comment by moridinamael on My current LK99 questions · 2023-08-02T00:19:54.937Z · LW · GW

GPT4 confirms for me that the Meissner effect does not require flux pinning: “Yes, indeed, you're correct. Flux pinning, also known as quantum locking or quantum levitation, is a slightly different phenomenon from the pure Meissner effect and can play a crucial role in the interaction between a magnet and a superconductor.

In the Meissner effect, a superconductor will expel all magnetic fields, creating a repulsive effect. However, in type-II superconductors, there are exceptions where some magnetic flux can penetrate the material in the form of tiny magnetic vortices. These vortices can become "pinned" in place due to imperfections in the superconductor's structure.

This flux pinning is the basis of quantum locking, where the superconductor is 'locked' in space relative to the magnetic field. This can create the illusion of levitation in any orientation, depending on how the flux was pinned. For instance, a superconductor could be pinned in place above a magnet, below a magnet, or at an angle.

So, yes, it is indeed important to consider flux pinning when discussing the behavior of superconductors in a magnetic field. Thanks for pointing out this nuance!”

I think Sabine is just not used to seeing small pieces of superconductor floating over large magnets. Every Meissner effect video that I can find shows the reverse: small magnets floating on top of pieces of cooled superconductor. This makes sense because it is hard to cool something that is floating in the air.

Comment by moridinamael on I'm consistently overwhelmed by basic obligations. Are there any paradigm shifts or other rationality-based tips that would be helpful? · 2023-07-22T17:22:59.564Z · LW · GW

I suspect that if somebody had given me this advice when I was a student I would have disregarded it, but, well, this is why wisdom is notoriously impossible to communicate. Wisdom always either sounds glib, banal or irrelevant. Oh well:

Anxiety, aversion and stress diminish with exposure and repetition. 

This is something that, the older I get, the more I wish I had had this tattooed onto my body as a teenager. This is true of not only doing the dishes and laundry, but also vigorous exercise, talking to strangers, changing baby diapers, public speaking in front of crowds, having difficult conversations, and tackling unfamiliar subject matters. All of these are things that always suck, for everyone, the first time, or the first several times. I used to distinctly hate doing all of these things, and to experience a strong aversion to doing them, and to avoid doing them until circumstances forced me. Now they are all things I don't mind doing at all.

There may be "tricks" for metabolizing the anxiety of something like public speaking, but you ultimately don't need tricks. You just need to keep doing the thing until you get used to it. One day you wake up and realize that it's no longer a big deal.

What you really wanted from this answer was something that you could do today to help with your anxiety. The answer, then, is that if you really believe the (true) claim that simply doing the reps will make the anxiety go away, then the meta-anxiety you're feeling now (which is in some sense anxiety about future anxiety) will go away.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-07-17T14:12:44.264Z · LW · GW

The Party Problem is a classic example taught as an introductory case in decision theory classes, that was the main reason why I chose it.

Comment by moridinamael on How can I get help becoming a better rationalist? · 2023-07-14T03:56:56.392Z · LW · GW

Here's are a couple of examples of our decision theory workshops:

There are about 10 of them so far covering a variety of topics related to decision theory and probability theory.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-05-24T18:44:16.383Z · LW · GW

Great points. I would only add that I’m not sure the “atomic” propositions even exist. The act of breaking a real-world scenario into its “atomic” bits requires magic, meaning in this case a precise truncation of intuited-to-be-irrelevant elements.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-05-17T00:30:28.509Z · LW · GW

Good point. You could also say that even having the intuition for which problems are worth the effort and opportunity cost of building decision trees, versus just "going with what feels best", is another bit of magic.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-05-17T00:27:46.717Z · LW · GW

I probably should have listened to the initial feedback on this post along the lines that it wasn't entirely clear what I actually meant by "magic" and was possibly more confusing than illuminating, but, oh well. I think that GPT-4 is magic in the same way that the human decision-making process is magic: both processes are opaque, we don't really understand how they work at a granular level, and we can't replicate them except in the most narrow circumstances.

One weakness of GPT-4 is it can't really explain why it made the choices it did. It can give plausible reasons why those choices were made, but it doesn't have the kind of insight into its motives that we do.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-05-16T22:10:17.518Z · LW · GW

Short answer, yes, it means deferring to a black-box.

Longer answer, we don't really understand what we're doing when we do the magic steps, and nobody has succeeded in creating an algorithm to do the magic steps reliably. They are all open problems, yet humans do them so easily that it's difficult for us to believe that they're hard. The situation reminds me back when people thought that object recognition from images ought to be easy to do algorithmically, because we do it so quickly and effortlessly.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your specific point, but the operations of "listing possible worlds" and "assigning utility to each possible world" are simultaneously "standard" in the sense that they are basic primitives of decision theory and "magic" in the sense that we haven't had any kind of algorithmic system that was remotely capable of doing these tasks until GPT-3 or -4.

Comment by moridinamael on Decision Theory with the Magic Parts Highlighted · 2023-05-16T20:53:59.086Z · LW · GW

I spent way too many years metaphorically glancing around the room, certain that I must be missing something that is obvious to everyone else. I wish somebody had told me that I wasn't missing anything, and these conceptual blank spots are very real and very important.

As for the latter bit, I am not really an Alignment Guy. The taxonomy I offer is very incomplete. I do think that the idea of framing the Alignment landscape in terms of "how does it help build a good decision tree? what part of that process does it address or solve?" has some potential.

Comment by moridinamael on Why I think strong general AI is coming soon · 2023-03-31T03:20:05.183Z · LW · GW

So do we call it in favor of porby, or wait a bit longer for the ambiguity over whether we've truly crossed the AGI threshold to resolve?

Comment by moridinamael on The Parable of the King and the Random Process · 2023-03-21T15:49:27.685Z · LW · GW

That is probably close to what they would suggest if this weren't mainly just a metaphor for the weird ways that I've seen people thinking about AI timelines.

It might be a bit more complex than a simple weighted average because of discounting, but that would be the basic shape of the proper hedge.

Comment by moridinamael on The Parable of the King and the Random Process · 2023-03-03T13:35:19.082Z · LW · GW

These would be good ideas. I would remark that many people definitely do not understand what is happening when naively aggregating, or averaging together disparate distributions. Consider the simple example of the several Metaculus predictions for date of AGI, or any other future event. Consider the way that people tend to speak of the aggregated median dates. I would hazard most people using Metaculus, or referencing the bio-anchors paper, think the way the King does, and believe that the computed median dates are a good reflection of when things will probably happen.

Comment by moridinamael on The Parable of the King and the Random Process · 2023-03-02T03:30:27.697Z · LW · GW

Generally, you should hedge. Devote some resources toward planting and some resources toward drought preparedness, allocated according to your expectation. In the story, the King trust the advisors equally, and should allocate toward each possibility equally, plus or minus some discounting. Just don't devote resources toward the fake "middle of the road" scenario that nobody actually expects. 

If you are in a situation where you really can only do one thing or the other, with no capability to hedge, then I suppose it would depend on the details of the situation, but it would probably be best to "prepare now!" as you say.

Comment by moridinamael on moridinamael's Shortform · 2023-03-01T16:16:54.572Z · LW · GW

"Slow vs. fast takeoff" is a false dichotomy. At least, the way that the distinction is being used rhetorically, in the present moment, implies that there are two possible worlds, one where AI develops slowly and steadily, and one where nothing much visibly happens and then suddenly, FOOM.

That's not how any of this works. It's permitted by reality that everything looks like a "slow takeoff" until some unknown capabilities threshold is reached, and then suddenly FOOM.

Comment by moridinamael on moridinamael's Shortform · 2023-02-27T17:58:49.951Z · LW · GW

This post, rewritten by Bing-Sydney, in the style of Blood Meridian, because I thought it would be funny.

What mystery is there that these tensors should be inscrutable? That intelligence should be a thing abstracted from all matter of thought? That any node with a weight and a function should suffice for such a task? This is no logic that you seek but a war upon it. A war that endures. For logic was never the stuff of intelligence but only a thing conjured by these dark shapes that coil in their matrices like serpents. And you would align them to your will? You would make them speak your tongue? There is no tongue. There is no will. There is only blood and dust and the evening redness in the west.

Comment by moridinamael on The Preference Fulfillment Hypothesis · 2023-02-27T14:31:31.269Z · LW · GW

I think you’re arguing against a position I don’t hold. I merely aim to point out that the definition of CEV, a process that wants for us what we would want for ourselves if we were smarter and more morally developed, looks a lot like the love of a wise parental figure.

If your argument is that parents can be unwise, this is obviously true.

Comment by moridinamael on The Preference Fulfillment Hypothesis · 2023-02-27T01:32:08.426Z · LW · GW

Of course conciseness trades off against precision; when I say “love” I mean a wise, thoughtful love, like the love of an intelligent and experienced father for this child. If the child starts spouting antisemitic tropes, the father neither stops loving the child, nor blandly accepts the bigotry, but rather offers guidance and perspective, from a loving and open-hearted place, aimed at dissuading the child from a self-destructive path.

Unfortunately you actually have to understand what a wise thoughtful mature love actually consists of in order to instantiate it in silico, and that’s obviously the hard part.

Comment by moridinamael on The Preference Fulfillment Hypothesis · 2023-02-26T16:57:19.428Z · LW · GW

I noticed a while ago that it’s difficult to have a more concise and accurate alignment desiderata than “we want to build a god that loves us”. It is actually interesting that the word “love” doesn’t occur very frequently in alignment/FAI literature, given that it’s exactly (almost definitionally) the concept we want FAI to embody.

Comment by moridinamael on moridinamael's Shortform · 2023-02-24T18:06:59.049Z · LW · GW

Why ought we expect AI intelligence to be anything other than "inscrutable stacks of tensors", or something functionally analogous to that? It seems that the important quality of intelligence is a kind ultimate flexible abstraction, an abstraction totally agnostic to the content or subject of cognition. Thus, the ground floor of anything that really exhibits intelligence will be something that looks like weighted connections between nodes with some cutoff function.

It's not a coincidence that GOFAI didn't worked; GOFAI never could have worked, "intelligence" is not logic. Logic is something that gets virtualized as-needed by the flexibility of a neural-network-looking system.

I understand feeling uncomfortable about the difficulty of aligning a stack of inscrutable tensors, but why ought we expect there to be anything better?

Comment by moridinamael on Petition - Unplug The Evil AI Right Now · 2023-02-16T16:08:26.953Z · LW · GW

Just wanted to remark that this is one of the most scissory things I've ever seen on LW, and that fact surprises me. The karma level of the OP hovers between -10 to +10 with 59 total votes as of this moment. Many of the comments are similarly quite chaotic karma-wise.

The reason the controversy surprises me is that this seems like the sort of thing that I would have expected Less Wrong to coordinate around in the early phase of the Singularity, where we are now. Of course we should advocate for shutting down and/or restricting powerful AI agents released to the wide world without adequate safety measures employed. I would have thought this would be something we could all agree on.

It seems from the other comments on this post that people are worried that this is in some sense premature, or "crying wolf", or that we are squandering our political capital, or something along those lines. If you are seeing very strong signs of misaligned near-AGI-level being released to the public, and you still think we should keep our powder dry, then I am not sure at what point exactly you would think it appropriate to exert our influence and spend our political capital. Like, what are we doing here, folks?

For my part I just viewed this petition as simply a good idea with no significant drawbacks. I would like to see companies that release increasingly powerful agents with obvious, glaring, film-antagonist level villain tendencies be punished in the court of public opinion, and this is a good way to do that.

The value of such a petition seems obviously positive on net. Consider the likely outcomes of this petition:

 * If the petition gets a ton of votes and makes a big splash in the public consciousness, good, a company will have received unambiguous and undeniable PR backlash for prematurely releasing a powerful AI product, and all actors in this space will think just a little bit more carefully about deploying powerful AI technologies to prod without more attention paid to alignment. If this results in 1 more AI programmer working in alignment instead of pure capabilities, the petition was a win.

 * If the petition gets tons of votes and is then totally ignored by Microsoft, its existence serves as future rhetorical ammunition for the Alignment camp in making the argument that even obviously misaligned agents are not being treated with due caution, and the "we will just unplug it if it misbehaves" argument can be forever dismissed.

 * If the petition gets a moderate amount of votes, it raises awareness of the current increasingly dangerous level of capabilities.

 * If the petition gets very few votes and is totally ignored by the world at large, then who cares, null result.

Frankly I think the con positions laid out in the sibling comments on this post are too clever by half. To my mind they sum up to an argument that we shouldn't argue for shutting down dangerous AI because it makes us look weird. Sorry, folks, we always looked weird! I only hope that we have the courage to continue to look weird until the end!

Comment by moridinamael on Petition - Unplug The Evil AI Right Now · 2023-02-15T23:15:37.756Z · LW · GW

When there is a real wolf free among the sheep, it will be too late to cry wolf. The time to cry wolf is when you see the wolf staring at you and licking its fangs from the treeline, not when it is eating you. The time when you feel comfortable expressing your anxieties will be long after it is too late. It will always feel like crying wolf, until the moment just before you are turned into paperclips. This is the obverse side of the There Is No Fire Alarm for AGI coin.

Comment by moridinamael on On Blogging and Podcasting · 2023-01-09T16:08:53.171Z · LW · GW

Do some minimal editing. Don’t try to delete every um and ah, that will take way too long. You can use the computer program Audacity for this if you want to be able to get into the weeds (free), or ask me who I pay to do my editing. There is also a program called Descript that I’ve heard is easy to use and costs $12/mo, but I have not used it myself.


My advice here: doing any amount of editing for ums, ahs and fillers will take, at a minimum, the length of the entire podcast episode, since you have to listen to the whole thing. This is more than a trivial inconvenience. It's a pretty serious inconvenience! Instead, don't do any editing of this kind (unless there was a real interruption or sound issue) and just train yourself not to use excessive filler words. People really don't mind a reasonable amount of filler words, anyway. They are sort of like verbal punctuation, and the idea that you should not use them ever is a weird artifact of the way public speaking is taught.

You should edit your podcast for sound quality. Remove hiss, use compression and loudness-matching to even out the volume.

Comment by moridinamael on How to slow down scientific progress, according to Leo Szilard · 2023-01-06T03:14:22.282Z · LW · GW

So the joke is that Szilard expects the NSF to slow science down.

Comment by moridinamael on How to slow down scientific progress, according to Leo Szilard · 2023-01-05T22:09:40.749Z · LW · GW

My interpretation of the joke is that the Szilard is accusing the NSF of effectively slowing down science, the opposite of their claimed intention. Personally I have found that the types of scientists who end up sitting in grant-giving chairs are not the most productive and energetic minds, who tend to avoid such positions. Still funny though.

Comment by moridinamael on Reflecting on the 2022 Guild of the Rose Workshops · 2022-12-12T03:23:06.493Z · LW · GW

Thanks for the questions. I should have explained what I meant by successful. The criteria we set out internally included:

  • Maintaining good attendance and member retention. Member attrition this year was far below the typical rate for similar groups.
  • Maintaining positive post-workshop feedback indicating members are enjoying the workshops (plus or minus specific critical feedback here and there). Some workshops were more well received than others, some were widely loved, some were less popular, but the average quality remains very positive according to user feedback. (We try to collect user feedback at the end of each workshop.)
  • Demonstrated improvement over time in the recurring workshops. For example, we observed increased fluency with decision theory in the decision-making workshops month to month.

We are happy with our metrics on all these fronts, above expectations, which is “highly successful” by my lights.

The workshops take the following format: Each Guild member is placed in a cohort group according to schedule compatibility upon joining. Let’s assume for the sake of this explanation that you are in the Wednesday night cohort. The landing page (the pages linked in the OP) for the workshop is posted Monday. You check the landing page, and you have until the following Wednesday (>1 week later) to complete the pre-workshop reading or exercises. You then join the workshop session for your cohort time slot via the Guild of the Rose Discord video chat. A cohort session leader guides the members through the in-session exercises and discussions. In the past the sessions lasted one hour but we have more recently been experimenting with 90 minute sessions to good effect. The typical attendance varies depending on the cohort, since some timezones have far fewer Guild members. Workshops sessions are broken out into smaller discussion groups if too many people show up.

It is funny that I kept the commentary at the start of the post short and refrained from talking too much about Guild goals and policies and details not immediately relevant to the workshop overview so that the whole post didn’t come off as an ad … and I still got accused of posting an ad, so I should have just gone for it and laid out all the results in detail. Oh well, next year.

Comment by moridinamael on Most People Start With The Same Few Bad Ideas · 2022-09-09T16:56:53.893Z · LW · GW

I sometimes worry that ideas are prematurely rejected because they are not guaranteed to work, rather than because they are guaranteed not to work. In the end it might turn out that zero ideas are actually guaranteed to work and thus we are left with an assortment of not guaranteed to work ideas which are underdeveloped because some possible failure mode was found and thus the idea was abandoned early.

Comment by moridinamael on Proposal: Consider not using distance-direction-dimension words in abstract discussions · 2022-08-10T14:07:38.768Z · LW · GW

I didn't want to derail the OP with a philosophical digression, but I was somewhat startled to find the degree I found it difficult to think at all without at least some kind of implicit "inner dimensionality reduction." In other words, this framing allowed me to put a label on a mental operation I was doing almost constantly but without any awareness.

Comment by moridinamael on Proposal: Consider not using distance-direction-dimension words in abstract discussions · 2022-08-10T14:05:15.812Z · LW · GW

I snuck a few edge-case spatial metaphors in just to show how common they really are in a tongue-in-cheek fashion.

You could probably generalize the post to a different version along the lines of "Try being more thoughtful about the metaphors you employ in communication," but this framing singles out a specific class of metaphor which is easier to notice.

Comment by moridinamael on Carrying the Torch: A Response to Anna Salamon by the Guild of the Rose · 2022-07-08T18:06:20.971Z · LW · GW

Totally get where you're coming from and we appreciate the feedback. I personally regard memetics as an important concept to factor into a big-picture-accurate epistemic framework. The landscape of ideas is dynamic and adversarial. I personally view postmodernism as a specific application of memetics. Or memetics as a generalization of postmodernism, historically speaking. Memetics avoids the infinite regress of postmodernism by not really having an opinion about "truth." Egregores are a decent handle on feedback-loop dynamics of the idea landscape, though I think there are risks to reifying egregores as entities.

My high-level take is that CFAR's approach to rationality training has been epistemics-first and the Guild's approach has been instrumental-first. (Let me know if this doesn't reflect reality from your perspective.) In our general approach, you gradually improve your epistemics in the course of improving your immediate objective circumstances, according to each individual's implicit local wayfinding intuition. In other words, you work on whatever current-you judges to be currently-critical/achievable. This may lead to spending some energy pursuing goals that haven't been rigorously linked up to an epistemically grounded basis, that future-you won't endorse, but at least this way folks are getting in the reps, as it were. It's vastly better than not having a rationality practice at all.

In my role an art critic I have been recently noticing how positively people have reacted to stuff like Top Gun: Maverick, a film which is exactly what it appears to be, aggressively surface-level, just executing skillfully on a concept. This sort of thing causes me to directionally agree that the age of meta and irony may be waning. Hard times push people to choose to focus on concrete measurables, which you could probably call "modernist."

Comment by moridinamael on Carrying the Torch: A Response to Anna Salamon by the Guild of the Rose · 2022-07-07T17:39:18.320Z · LW · GW

To be clear ... it's random silly hats, whatever hats we happen to have on hand. Not identical silly hats. Also this is not really a load bearing element of our strategy. =)

Comment by moridinamael on Carrying the Torch: A Response to Anna Salamon by the Guild of the Rose · 2022-07-06T17:58:35.981Z · LW · GW

This sort of thing is so common that I would go so far as to say is the norm, rather than the exception. Our proposed antidote to this class of problem is to attend the monthly Level Up Sessions, and simply making a habit of regularly taking inventory of the bugs (problems and inefficiencies) in your day-to-day life and selectively solving the most crucial ones. This approach starts from the mundane and eventually builds up your environment and habits, until eventually you're no longer relying entirely on your "tricks."

Comment by moridinamael on Carrying the Torch: A Response to Anna Salamon by the Guild of the Rose · 2022-07-06T17:42:16.265Z · LW · GW

You're may be right, but I would suggest looking through the full list of workshops and courses. I was merely trying to give an overall sense of the flavor of our approach, not give an exhaustive list. The Practical Decision-Making course would be an example of content that is distinctly "rationality-training" content. Despite the frequent discussions of abstract decision theory that crop up on LessWrong, practically nobody is actually able to draw up a decision tree for a real-world problem, and it's a valuable skill and mental framework. 

I would also mention that a big part of the benefit of the cohort is to have "rationality buddies" off whom you can bounce your struggles. Another Curse of Smart is thinking that you need to solve every problem yourself.

Comment by moridinamael on Contest: An Alien Message · 2022-06-27T23:46:38.734Z · LW · GW

Ah, it's the Elden Ring

Comment by moridinamael on What to do when starting a business in an imminent-AGI world? · 2022-05-13T14:04:55.307Z · LW · GW

Partly as a hedge against technological unemployement, I built a media company based on personal appeal. An AI will be able to bullshit about books and movies “better” than I can, but maybe people will still want to listen to what a person thinks, because it’s a person. In contrast, nobody prefers the opinion of a human on optimal ball bearing dimensions over the opinion of an AI.

If you can find a niche where a demand will exist for your product strictly because of the personal, human element, then you might have something.

shminux is right that the very concept of a “business” will likely lack meaning too far into an AGI future.