
Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity 2024-07-27T15:28:13.117Z
The Speed of Rumor 2022-01-04T19:27:03.474Z
Questions about the NY Megameetup 2017-12-03T14:41:06.508Z
New program can beat Alpha Go, didn't need input from human games 2017-10-18T20:01:39.616Z
Giving the results of scientific research away 2016-12-18T16:43:17.021Z
When companies go over 150 people...... 2016-12-02T19:57:37.162Z
Terminally ill teen won historic ruling to preserve body 2016-11-18T14:16:59.952Z
*How* people shut down thought because of high-status respectable halos 2016-10-20T14:09:07.504Z
"Is Science Broken?" is underspecified 2016-08-12T11:59:39.834Z
Prediction challenge: Zika and birth rates 2016-03-12T16:55:34.631Z
Voiceofra is banned 2015-12-23T18:29:35.467Z
Deadly sins of software estimation 2015-12-22T13:38:39.542Z
Weirdness at the wiki 2015-11-30T23:37:44.283Z
People being controlled by what they can't perceive consciously 2015-09-21T16:42:59.230Z
Yudkowsky, Thiel, de Grey, Vassar panel on changing the world 2015-09-01T15:57:12.881Z
Scientific studies and trust 2015-08-07T16:44:06.175Z
The horrifying importance of domain knowledge 2015-07-30T15:28:38.728Z
New Meetup in New Hampshire 2015-06-17T20:30:01.435Z
How much do we know about creativity? 2015-06-09T12:43:44.964Z
We Should Introduce Ourselves Differently 2015-05-18T20:48:25.596Z
Which ideas from LW would you most like to see spread? 2015-05-18T14:12:11.039Z
What you know that ain't so 2015-03-23T18:24:58.730Z
Pratchett, Rationality, and Winning 2015-03-13T15:38:50.916Z
Recovering the past 2015-03-12T19:25:16.971Z
Effectiveness of different supplement brands? 2015-02-16T16:22:36.380Z
I'm the new moderator 2015-01-13T23:21:55.848Z
Inverse relationship between belief in foom and years worked in commercial software 2015-01-04T15:03:29.091Z
Good things to have learned.... 2014-12-03T19:29:34.580Z
Non-standard politics 2014-10-24T15:27:46.496Z
What supplements do you take, if any? 2014-10-23T12:36:44.200Z
Sugar and motivation 2014-06-13T15:46:03.078Z
The physiology of fun? 2014-06-12T00:10:51.194Z
Links! 2014-06-05T13:09:27.447Z
Brainstorming for post topics 2014-05-31T15:08:41.361Z
Open Thread, April 27-May 4, 2014 2014-04-27T20:34:17.084Z
Mathematics and saving lives 2014-04-19T13:32:18.801Z
Meetup: Philadelphia, April 12, 1PM 2014-04-11T08:24:08.260Z
Meetup : Philadelphia, PA: Goal Factoring Exercise 2014-03-28T04:50:33.624Z
A small rationalist win, and a question about promulgation 2014-03-27T14:22:25.838Z
Engineering archaeology 2014-03-20T16:38:36.544Z
Meetup: Philadelphia, 1 PM, March 23-- treating mistakes as though they're bugs 2014-03-19T15:55:42.348Z
Meetup: Philadelphia, March 9, 2014 2014-03-08T06:43:15.146Z
Is IQ what we actually need to know? 2014-02-25T18:21:42.780Z
Meetup : Philadelphia-- Debugging in Meatspace 2014-02-22T18:18:10.823Z
Meetup: Philadelphia, February 23: Debugging in Meatspace 2014-02-21T16:43:47.648Z
MEETUP: February 9, Philadelphia 2014-02-07T19:07:43.241Z
Open Thread for February 3 - 10 2014-02-03T15:30:19.834Z
Open thread, January 25- February 1 2014-01-25T14:52:41.851Z
Open thread for January 1-7, 2014 2014-01-01T15:54:33.720Z
Open thread for December 24-31, 2013 2013-12-24T08:58:55.253Z


Comment by NancyLebovitz on A sense of logic · 2025-02-05T13:13:11.726Z · LW · GW

I think there's a strong motivation to believe in hell for other people. The wicked flourish like the green bay tree, and where is justice?

Alternatively, belief in hell for other people is mere spitefulness.

Also, I believe inventing the tortures of hell is very like the same drive that causes people to write horror fiction, though I have no idea of why they do it, or why I like horror fiction.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A sense of logic · 2025-02-05T13:09:21.398Z · LW · GW

It's evidence that God loves complexity even more than He loves beetles.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A sense of logic · 2025-02-05T12:15:07.435Z · LW · GW

I dislike raw oysters quite a bit, but they're okay cooked.

Speaking of logical fallacies, the fact that one person loves a thing means that other people will even tolerate it is not strongly likely. I don't know that people even have an obligation to try things other people love.

And yet, the temptation to think that other people do or should love what one loves it very strong. "I think this is great!" just doesn't feel as true as "This is great!".

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity · 2024-07-27T21:31:46.846Z · LW · GW

I don't like the way he treated his girlfriend, but that doesn't address whether his health advice is good. It did make me want independent verification of his claims about what he's selling.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity · 2024-07-27T21:29:27.149Z · LW · GW

The olive oil is $35 per 750 ml bottle. It's a little hard to find the quantity.

An ordinary olive oil might cost $12/litre or about a quarter as much. So, not outrageous, but still expensive.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity · 2024-07-27T19:11:03.500Z · LW · GW

I'm not sure he thinks his methods will achieve immortality. his overt goals are reversing aging and improving quality of life. If he's talked about living long enough for drastically better tech, I haven't heard him say it. I think he does believe it would take too long to get to a general solution for aging for it to do him any good.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity · 2024-07-27T19:07:45.759Z · LW · GW

The food he sells is fairly expensive.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Bryan Johnson and a search for healthy longevity · 2024-07-27T17:34:14.209Z · LW · GW

I've added a link to the post.

Unfortunately, "he's too weird" was most of the response I got at ACX.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Social Dark Matter · 2023-11-18T07:17:55.923Z · LW · GW

I suggest thinking about other possible social dark matter.

I think deliberate weight loss makes a lot of people's lives worse-- that being hungry and distracted (possibly chilled and more frequently sick) isn't worth greater social acceptance, and that the current insistence on leanness is about looking right rather than health.

Asexuality could have fit in the article. 


Comment by NancyLebovitz on Social Dark Matter · 2023-11-18T07:10:58.261Z · LW · GW

This might be related to the circular reasoning that gay people shouldn't be trusted with security clearances because they can be blackmailed.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Killing Socrates · 2023-04-15T09:21:44.523Z · LW · GW

This reminds me of something odd about Socrates (from memory)-- when he decides to accept execution rather than exile, all of the sudden he's talking about adherence to values-- he owes so much to Athens that he won't live somewhere else-- rather than all that questioning. How does this fit into his story?

I can make some guesses, but they're no more than that. 

1. His health was failing, and he decided to go out with a bang rather than enduring a decline.

2. No place else wanted him, either.

3. He came to realize the damage he was doing, and thought the punishment was appropriate.


Comment by NancyLebovitz on Moloch and the sandpile catastrophe · 2023-02-12T12:14:15.490Z · LW · GW

See also the economic effects of the Great East Japan Earthquake (2011).

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Great Books of Failure · 2022-03-29T21:36:25.134Z · LW · GW

The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam by Barbara Tuchman.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Intro to Naturalism: Orientation · 2022-03-15T07:07:37.425Z · LW · GW

So far, I've only read the introduction. It pulls together things I already believe, so I like it.

First thought is James C. Scott's work-- Two Cheers for Anarchism is a good starting point. He writes about tyranny's demands for legibility.

Also, a lot of science requires taking a close look at the world.

See also "the map is not the territory"-- but it takes time to see the territory.

I've been doing qi gong-- it's amazingly easy to think I know what I'm feeling physically, and a lot of work to actually start to notice it.

And I've been thinking that a way for rationalism to go wrong is to think that good enough concepts reliably trump observation. Sometimes concepts work-- perpetual motion machines really are impossible-- but mostly you need to keep looking at the world.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on An Observation of Vavilov Day · 2022-01-19T19:10:55.815Z · LW · GW

Maybe there's an organization to contribute to, though I grant that isn't much of an observance. Other than that, there's telling the story.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on 100 Tips for a Better Life · 2022-01-18T23:47:34.314Z · LW · GW

I've found that searching on [name of product or company sucks] can turn up interesting results, or a significant lack of results.

Look at customer reviews, especially those with a geeky level of detail.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on An Observation of Vavilov Day · 2022-01-18T20:40:24.854Z · LW · GW

Thanks. What is your culture?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on An Observation of Vavilov Day · 2022-01-18T12:06:22.368Z · LW · GW

Any thoughts about supporting biodiversity (perhaps especially for food crops)?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on The Speed of Rumor · 2022-01-07T16:17:19.033Z · LW · GW

Rats could be a good bit better than average, and still pretty bad.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Slack · 2022-01-07T16:16:08.989Z · LW · GW

Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency by Tom DeMarco

Another book: Slack (unallocated time) is essential for change, learning, and even doing things well.

I'm pretty sure this is the book with the description of what happens when two companies that don't do the work to write good contracts attempt to deal with each other.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on The Speed of Rumor · 2022-01-04T20:14:42.939Z · LW · GW

Yes. Now how do we sieve good information out of this environment?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on My experience at and around MIRI and CFAR (inspired by Zoe Curzi's writeup of experiences at Leverage) · 2021-11-19T10:18:50.164Z · LW · GW

Did Vassar argue that existing EA organizations weren't doing the work they said they were doing, or that EA as such was a bad idea? Or maybe that it was too hard to get organizations to do it?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on My experience at and around MIRI and CFAR (inspired by Zoe Curzi's writeup of experiences at Leverage) · 2021-11-19T10:16:48.172Z · LW · GW

A sidetrack, but a French surgeon found that Baclofen (a muscle relaxant) cured his alcoholism by curing the craving. He was surprised to find that it cured compulsive spending when he didn't even realize he had a problem.

He had a hard time raising money for an official experiment, and it came out inconclusive, and he died before the research got any further.


Comment by NancyLebovitz on My experience at and around MIRI and CFAR (inspired by Zoe Curzi's writeup of experiences at Leverage) · 2021-11-19T10:01:54.880Z · LW · GW

This is interesting to me because I was brought up to go to college, but I didn't take it seriously (plausibly from depression or somesuch), and I definitely think of him as a guy with an interesting perspective. Okay, a smart guy with an interesting perspective, but not a god.

It had never occurred to me before that maybe people who were brought up to assume they were going to college might generally have a different take on the world than I do.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Lawful Creativity · 2021-09-25T10:02:43.804Z · LW · GW

This is reminding me of a book called Plain and Simple by a woman who spent some time as a guest in Amish Families. She found that she'd mistakenly believed that having lots of options was the right way to live, but the actual effect was that she wasn't making decisions. The revelation hit when she realized she actually wanted something in particular, and  ferociously re-decorated her kitchen in as somewhat Amish style. "Ferociously" seems like weirdly strong language, but she seemed surprised that she could really want something and go for it.

It's a smallish thing, but I think it's pointing at a pervasive modern error.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Algorithmic Intent: A Hansonian Generalized Anti-Zombie Principle · 2021-04-17T13:27:20.443Z · LW · GW

""Why didn't you tell him the truth? Were you afraid?"

"I'm not afraid. I chose not to tell him, because I anticipated negative consequences if I did so."

"What do you think 'fear' is, exactly?""

The possibly amusing thing is that I read it as being someone who thought fear was shameful and was therefore lying, or possibly lying to themself about not feeling fear. I wasn't expecting a discussion of p-zombies, though perhaps I should have been.

Does being strongly inhibited against knowing one's own emotions make one more like a p-zombie?

As for social inhibitions against denying what other people say about their motives, it's quite true that it can be socially corrosive to propose alternate motives for what people are doing, but I don't think your proposal will make things much worse.

We're already there. A lot of political discourse include assuming the worst about the other side's motivations.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Give it a google · 2020-12-30T13:38:55.129Z · LW · GW

Have a theory about why people can be reluctant to google. It may be excessively bitter.

To a large extent (especially for neurotypical people, though it seems to depend on the subject) learning is an unconscious process. The result is that people don't know how they learned and don't know how to teach. 

What's more, people are apt to want to just get things done and also apt to have punishment as an easy strategy. So they shame people for not knowing what they are supposed to have picked up somehow.

This means that googling indicates that you didn't know something already, so googling means getting past an emotional barrier.

That's certainly not the only thing that's going on. I think asking questions as socializing is a thing, and so is not realizing the amazing scope of what can be searched for. And for some of us, just being old enough that the habit of googling didn't get developed. 

I'm a frequent and pretty habitual googler, and I've mostly stopped calling it "living in the future".

Comment by NancyLebovitz on The Schelling Choice is "Rabbit", not "Stag" · 2020-12-05T21:33:24.981Z · LW · GW

It seems to me this is getting into Social Safety Net territory. Elliott is cautious because he really has fewer resources. Would the group benefit if he's given more so he isn't running so close to the edge?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Pain is not the unit of Effort · 2020-11-27T18:31:26.236Z · LW · GW

Just to underline the fundamental question: if pain isn't a good metric (and I agree that it isn't) what is a good metric?

I'm recommending Bruce Frantzis' tai chi, qi gong, bagua etc. classes at

One of the fundamental principles is to put out reliable 70% effort-- this is enough to create progress without much chance of injury or burnout. Considerably less effort if you're sick or injured.

This is harder than it sounds, if you're from a culture which assumes that more effort = better results and is a sign of more virtue. 

Your effort level is what you can do that day. You aren't competing with yourself. You aren't expecting that you can make yourself do today what you could do yesterday. You may not be able to do as much with one side of your body as the other. Respect that. In fact, let the stronger side match the weaker side.

I tend to think of overvaluing effort as an American issue, but it appears in other cultures, too. Frantzis teaches water method-- the 70% approach-- but there's also fire method in Chinese tradition, which involves pursuing enlightenment or whatever with as much force as you can muster.

This sort of steady effort might be best for sports and qi gong, but it's my impression that high effort followed by relaxation is better for intellectual work.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on When Money Is Abundant, Knowledge Is The Real Wealth · 2020-11-04T15:50:15.921Z · LW · GW

What have you been learning? How has it been working out for you?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Notes on Brainwashing & 'Cults' · 2020-10-28T13:33:57.620Z · LW · GW

Until I read this, I didn't realize there are different possible claims about the dangers of cults. One claim-- the one gwern is debunking-- is that cults are a large-scale danger, and practically anyone can be taken over by a cult.

The other less hyperbolic claim is that cults can seriously screw up people's lives, even if it's a smallish proportion of people. I still think that's true.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A Personal (Interim) COVID-19 Postmortem · 2020-06-27T17:38:47.542Z · LW · GW

As I understand it, the purpose of a ventilator is to make up for a person's inability to move sufficient air in and out of their lungs, but it assumes that the lungs, if given air, don't have a problem with getting oxygen into the bloodstream.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A Personal (Interim) COVID-19 Postmortem · 2020-06-27T14:08:54.926Z · LW · GW

Tell me about more of the things expers weren't talking about.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Open & Welcome Thread - June 2020 · 2020-06-27T14:07:29.488Z · LW · GW

" In 2017, a federal court, the U.S. Southern District Court of New York, sided with Elsevier and ruled Sci-Hub should stop operating and pay $15 million in damages. In a similar lawsuit, the American Chemistry Society won a case against Elbakyan and the right to demand another $4.8 million in damages.   

In addition, both courts effectively prohibited any U.S. company from facilitating Sci-Hub’s work. Elbakyan had to migrate the website from its early .org domain, and the U.S.-based online payment services are no longer an option for her. She can no longer use Cloudflare, a service that protects websites from denial-of-service attacks, she said. "

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A Personal (Interim) COVID-19 Postmortem · 2020-06-26T19:57:36.722Z · LW · GW

A thing I regret not thinking of is that ventilators aren't as crucial as was expected because they're dependent on the long tissue being healthy.

I'm not an expert, but it's so obvious. I don't know how to avoid making that sort of mistake. Maybe being careful about tracking chains of causation.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Open & Welcome Thread - June 2020 · 2020-06-25T14:58:23.900Z · LW · GW

Conservation of thought, perhaps. The root problem is having more options than you can handle, probably amplified by bad premises. Or the other hand, if you're swamped, when will you have time to improve your premises?

"Conservation of thought" is from an early issue of The New York Review of Science Fiction.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Open & Welcome Thread - June 2020 · 2020-06-25T14:51:27.140Z · LW · GW

I don't have children, and my upbringing wasn't especially good or bad on learning rationality.

Still, what I'm noticing in your post and the comments so far is the idea that rationality is something to put into your children.

I believe that rationality mostly needs to be modeled. Take your mind and your children's connection to the universe seriously. Show them that thinking and arguing are both fun and useful.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on SlateStarCodex deleted because NYT wants to dox Scott · 2020-06-23T18:45:01.462Z · LW · GW

I think that even if the NYT doesn't dox Scott in a first article, his identity is now part of the story, and he'll be doxed in various major media, probably including a second article from the NYT.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Moloch Hasn’t Won · 2019-12-30T01:42:35.051Z · LW · GW

Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency is about why businesses fail if they ignore all other values in favor of maximizing profit-- they lose too much flexibility.

I'm looking forward to the rest of this series.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Book Review: Design Principles of Biological Circuits · 2019-11-06T15:53:09.510Z · LW · GW

I never would have thought biological systems are random, but spaghetti code isn't about randomness, it's about complex interdependence. This being said, the book looks really valuable-- even if can only help sort out the simpler parts of biology, that's quite a bit.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on How to Make Billions of Dollars Reducing Loneliness · 2019-09-01T10:46:27.270Z · LW · GW

There may be another piece-- the ability to count on each other for help.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on A Personal Rationality Wishlist · 2019-08-28T13:43:48.396Z · LW · GW

I think the anime thing is partly feeling a compulsion to say something combined with availability bias. Of course, there's also an element of completely ignoring consent.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on More Dakka · 2019-07-20T07:22:20.412Z · LW · GW

There was someone who was interviewed on Tim Ferriss who recommended finding out what you care about and spending a lot more on that and what you don't care about and spending a lot less on that. In particular, there was a suggestion to think about spending ten times as much on what you care about-- you've got a chance of turning up improvements which aren't nearly that expensive.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Transhumanists Don't Need Special Dispositions · 2018-12-09T17:49:08.299Z · LW · GW

My impression from a few arguments I've been in is that there are people who simply don't/can't believe that health extension is possible, so they can't assimilate arguments based on the idea of health extension. You say life extension and they hear miserable old age extension.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on East Coast Rationalist Megameetup 2018 · 2018-12-03T20:45:58.763Z · LW · GW

I think I'm on a waiting list.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on East Coast Rationalist Megameetup 2018 · 2018-12-03T19:45:53.156Z · LW · GW

Do I pay now, or when a space opens up?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Leto among the Machines · 2018-10-11T12:28:13.417Z · LW · GW

It's a fascinating essay, but non-automation isn't all that great. In particular, Confucian China had foot-binding for nearly a thousand years-- mothers slowly breaking their daughter's feet to make the daughters more marriageable.

It's possible that in the long run, societies with automation are even worse than societies without it, but I don't think that's proven.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on The Mystery of the Haunted Rationalist · 2018-05-04T11:10:59.846Z · LW · GW

This also implies that it's a good idea to avoid houses with a history of mysterious deaths. The deaths were no longer mysterious when carbon monoxide poisoning was figured out, but before that?

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Open thread, January 29 - ∞ · 2018-02-02T08:26:53.881Z · LW · GW

I was very fond of this site. There were excellent essays, and the discussion structure suited me very well. I'm more of a short form writer. Also, the way it was easy to find old material and conveniently add to old threads is a feature that ssc doesn't have.

The big block of unchanging recommendations at the top of LW2 gets on my nerves.

This being said, the resident troll squeezed a lot of the fun out of LW1, and getting to be moderator-- and then discovering I didn't have adequate moderation tools-- gave me something of an ugh field about the place. And now it's over. It was good when it was good.

Comment by NancyLebovitz on Happiness Is a Chore · 2017-12-20T16:10:57.533Z · LW · GW

I'm somewhat annoyed that this claims there's a solution to becoming happier, goes on at some length, and doesn't include the solution.