
Is principled mass-outreach possible, for AGI X-risk? 2024-01-21T17:45:32.951Z
Learning Math in Time for Alignment 2024-01-09T01:02:37.446Z
Upgrading the AI Safety Community 2023-12-16T15:34:26.600Z
Intelligence Enhancement (Monthly Thread) 13 Oct 2023 2023-10-13T17:28:37.490Z
How to Get Rationalist Feedback 2023-10-05T02:03:10.766Z
Musk, Starlink, and Crimea 2023-09-23T02:35:02.623Z
Incentives affecting alignment-researcher encouragement 2023-08-29T05:11:59.729Z
How necessary is intuition, for advanced math? 2023-07-20T00:18:43.634Z
Build knowledge base first, or backchain? 2023-07-17T03:44:55.127Z
Rationality, Pedagogy, and "Vibes": Quick Thoughts 2023-07-15T02:09:46.677Z
Alignment Megaprojects: You're Not Even Trying to Have Ideas 2023-07-12T23:39:54.392Z
My Central Alignment Priority (2 July 2023) 2023-07-03T01:46:01.764Z
My Alignment Timeline 2023-07-03T01:04:07.935Z
How to Search Multiple Websites Quickly 2023-06-22T00:42:41.598Z
Does anyone's full-time job include reading and understanding all the most-promising formal AI alignment work? 2023-06-16T02:24:31.048Z
Dreams of "Mathopedia" 2023-06-02T01:30:05.007Z
Abstraction is Bigger than Natural Abstraction 2023-05-31T00:00:36.373Z
My AI Alignment Research Agenda and Threat Model, right now (May 2023) 2023-05-28T03:23:38.353Z
Why and When Interpretability Work is Dangerous 2023-05-28T00:27:37.747Z
Why I'm Not (Yet) A Full-Time Technical Alignment Researcher 2023-05-25T01:26:49.378Z
[SEE NEW EDITS] No, *You* Need to Write Clearer 2023-04-29T05:04:01.559Z
How to parallelize "inherently" serial theory work? 2023-04-07T00:08:44.428Z
An Average Dialogue 2023-04-01T04:01:50.998Z
Stop Using Discord as an Archive 2023-03-30T02:15:34.580Z
An A.I. Safety Presentation at RIT 2023-03-27T23:49:59.657Z
NicholasKross's Shortform 2023-03-05T20:31:07.826Z
Who should write the definitive post on Ziz? 2022-12-15T06:37:16.150Z
Historical examples of people gaining unusual cognitive abilities? 2022-11-24T19:01:14.105Z
Discussion: Was SBF a naive utilitarian, or a sociopath? 2022-11-17T02:52:09.756Z
SBF x LoL 2022-11-15T20:24:52.041Z
I am a Memoryless System 2022-10-23T17:34:48.367Z
How to learn: Struggle VS Lookup-Table? 2022-09-25T21:58:43.032Z
The Power (and limits?) of Chunking 2022-09-06T02:26:27.808Z
Ways to increase working memory, and/or cope with low working memory? 2022-08-21T22:31:12.385Z
Wacky, risky, anti-inductive intelligence-enhancement methods? 2022-07-14T01:40:28.137Z
A Quick List of Some Problems in AI Alignment As A Field 2022-06-21T23:23:31.719Z
[retracted] A really simplistic experiment for LessWrong and /r/SneerClub 2022-05-21T05:52:28.796Z
Quick Thoughts on A.I. Governance 2022-04-30T14:49:26.694Z
Don't Look Up (Film Review) 2021-12-27T20:36:02.527Z
Why did computer science get so galaxy-brained? 2021-12-27T08:50:13.579Z
Reaction and Reply to Sasha Chapin on Bad In-group Norms 2021-11-19T01:13:32.946Z
There Meat Come A Scandal... 2021-11-07T20:52:12.025Z
No, really, can "dead" time be salvaged? 2021-10-26T00:02:11.540Z
Burst work or steady work? 2021-06-22T05:36:49.559Z
How to test tiny skills? 2021-04-24T05:02:45.347Z
Roundabout Strategy 2021-01-28T00:44:00.743Z
Ways to be more agenty? 2021-01-05T08:06:13.496Z
Examples of positive-sum(ish) games? 2020-10-10T21:09:04.349Z
Can you gain weirdness points? 2020-07-31T03:41:47.050Z


Comment by NicholasKross on [April Fools' Day] Introducing Open Asteroid Impact · 2024-04-02T00:05:22.427Z · LW · GW

I will carefully hedge my investment in this company by giving it $325823e7589245728439572380945237894273489, in exchange for a board seat so I can keep an eye on it.

Comment by NicholasKross on [April Fools' Day] Introducing Open Asteroid Impact · 2024-04-02T00:03:33.319Z · LW · GW

I have over 5 Twitter followers, I'll take my board seat when ur ready

Comment by NicholasKross on Why I no longer identify as transhumanist · 2024-03-13T17:20:15.301Z · LW · GW

Giving up on transhumanism as a useful idea of what-to-aim-for or identify as, separate from how much you personally can contribute to it.

More directly: avoiding "pinning your hopes on AI" (which, depending on how I'm supposed to interpret this, could mean "avoiding solutions that ever lead to aligned AI occurring" or "avoiding near-term AI, period" or "believing that something other than AI is likely to be the most important near-future thing", which are pretty different from each other, even if the end prescription for you personally is (or seems, on first pass, to be) the same.), separate from how much you personally can do to positively affect AI development.

Then again, I might've misread/misinterpreted what you wrote. (I'm unlikely to reply to further object-level explanation of this, sorry. I mainly wanted to point out the pattern. It'd be nice if your reasoning did turn out correct, but my point is that its starting-place seems/seemed to be rationalization as per the pattern.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Why I no longer identify as transhumanist · 2024-03-12T17:02:26.040Z · LW · GW

Yes, I think this post / your story behind it, is likely an example of this pattern.

Comment by NicholasKross on "How could I have thought that faster?" · 2024-03-11T22:12:35.962Z · LW · GW

That's technically a different update from the one I'm making. However, I also update in favor of that, as a propagation of the initial update. (Assuming you mean "good enough" as "good enough at pedagogy".)

Comment by NicholasKross on "How could I have thought that faster?" · 2024-03-11T17:14:48.952Z · LW · GW

This sure does update me towards "Yudkowsky still wasn't good enough at pedagogy to have made 'teach people rationality techniques' an 'adequately-covered thing by the community'".

Comment by NicholasKross on Why I no longer identify as transhumanist · 2024-03-10T21:08:28.390Z · LW · GW
  • Person tries to work on AI alignment.
  • Person fails due to various factors.
  • Person gives up working on AI alignment. (This is probably a good move, when it's not your fit, as is your case.)
  • Danger zone: In ways that sort-of-rationalize-around their existing decision to give up working on AI alignment, the person starts renovating their belief system around what feels helpful to their mental health. (I don't know if people are usually doing this after having already tried standard medical-type treatments, or instead of trying those treatments.)
  • Danger zone: Person announces this shift to others, in a way that's maybe and/or implicitly prescriptive (example).

There are, depressingly, many such cases of this pattern. (Related post with more details on this pattern.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Virtually Rational - VRChat Meetup · 2024-02-25T00:44:48.253Z · LW · GW

Group Debugging is intriguing...

Comment by NicholasKross on Dreams of AI alignment: The danger of suggestive names · 2024-02-12T18:28:00.065Z · LW · GW

How many times has someone expressed "I'm worried about 'goal-directed optimizers', but I'm not sure what exactly they are, so I'm going to work on deconfusion."? There's something weird about this sentiment, don't you think?

I disagree, and I will take you up on this!

"Optimization" is a real, meaningful thing to fear, because:

Comment by NicholasKross on Aligned AI is dual use technology · 2024-01-29T18:25:38.657Z · LW · GW

Ah, yeah that's right.

Comment by NicholasKross on Aligned AI is dual use technology · 2024-01-29T00:19:00.463Z · LW · GW

If it helps clarify: I (and some others) break down the alignment problem into "being able to steer it at all" and "what to steer it at". This post is about the danger of having the former solved, without the latter being solved well (e.g. through some kind of CEV).

Comment by NicholasKross on Global LessWrong/AC10 Meetup on VRChat · 2024-01-25T00:09:22.974Z · LW · GW

Love this event series! Can't come this week, but next one I can!

Comment by NicholasKross on Is principled mass-outreach possible, for AGI X-risk? · 2024-01-22T00:08:31.629Z · LW · GW

No worries! I make similar mistakes all the time (just check my comment history ;-;)

And I do think your comment is useful, in the same way that Rohin's original comment (which my post is responding to) is useful :)

Comment by NicholasKross on Is principled mass-outreach possible, for AGI X-risk? · 2024-01-21T23:52:21.004Z · LW · GW

FWIW, I have an underlying intuition here that's something like “if you're going to go Dark Arts, then go big or go home”, but I don't really know how to operationalize that in detail and am generally confused and sad. In general, I think people who have things like “logical connectives are relevant to the content of the text” threaded through enough of their mindset tend to fall into a trap analogous to the “Average Familiarity” xkcd or to Hofstadter's Law when they try truly-mass communication unless they're willing to wrench things around in what are often very painful ways to them, and (per the analogies) that this happens even when they're specifically trying to correct for it.

I disagree with the first sentence, but agree strongly with the rest of it. My whole point is that it may be literally possible to make:

  1. mass-audience arguments
  2. about extinction risk from AI
  3. that don't involve lying.

Maybe we mean different things by "Dark Arts" here? I don't actually consider (going hard with messaging like) "This issue is complicated, but you [the audience member] understandably don't want to deal with it, so we should go harder on preventing risk for now based on the everyday risk-avoidance you probably practice yourself." as lying or manipulation. You could call it Dark Arts if you drew the "Dark Arts" cluster really wide, but I would disagree with that cluster-drawing.

Comment by NicholasKross on Is principled mass-outreach possible, for AGI X-risk? · 2024-01-21T23:47:58.466Z · LW · GW

Now, I do separately observe a subset of more normie-feeling/working-class people who don't loudly profess the above lines and are willing to e.g. openly use some generative-model art here and there in a way that suggests they don't have the same loud emotions about the current AI-technology explosion. I'm not as sure what main challenges we would run into with that crowd, and maybe that's whom you mean to target.

That's... basically what my proposal is? Yeah? People that aren't already terminally-online about AI, but may still use chatGPT and/or StableDiffusion for fun or even work. Or (more common) those who don't even have that much interaction, who just see AI as yet another random thingy in the headlines.

Comment by NicholasKross on Threat-Resistant Bargaining Megapost: Introducing the ROSE Value · 2024-01-21T19:25:55.230Z · LW · GW

Yeah, mostly agreed. My main subquestion (that led me to write the review, besides this post being referenced in Leake's work) was/sort-of-still-is "Where do the ratios in value-handshakes come from?". The default (at least in the tag description quote from SSC) is uncertainty in war-winning, but that seems neither fully-principled nor nice-things-giving (small power differences can still lead to huge win-% chances, and superintelligences would presumably be interested in increasing accuracy). And I thought maybe ROSE bargaining could be related to that.

The relation in my mind was less ROSE --> DT, and more ROSE --?--> value-handshakes --> value-changes --?--> DT.

Comment by NicholasKross on Ways to buy time · 2024-01-21T17:31:59.053Z · LW · GW

(On my beliefs, which I acknowledge not everyone shares, expecting something better than "mass delusion of incorrect beliefs that implies that AGI is risky" if you do wide-scale outreach now is assuming your way out of reality.)

I'm from the future, January 2024, and you get some Bayes Points for this!

The "educated savvy left-leaning online person" consensus (as far as I can gather) is something like: "AI art is bad, the real danger is capitalism, and the extinction danger is some kind of fake regulatory-capture hype techbro thing which (if we even bother to look at the LW/EA spaces at all) is adjacent to racists and cryptobros".

Still seems too early to tell whether or not people are getting lots of false beliefs that are still pushing them towards believing-AGI-is-an-X-risk, especially since that case seems to be made (in the largest platform) indirectly in congressional hearings that nobody outside tech/politics actually watches.

But it really doesn't seem great that my case for wide-scale outreach being good is "maybe if we create a mass delusion of incorrect beliefs that implies that AGI is risky, then we'll slow down, and the extra years of time will help". So overall my guess is that this is net negative.

To devil's steelman some of this: I think there's still an angle that few have tried in a really public way. namely, ignorance and asymmetry. (There is definitely a better term or two for what I'm about to describe, but I forgot it. Probably from Taleb or something.)

A high percentage of voting-eligible people in the US... don't vote. An even higher percentage vote in only the presidential elections, or only some presidential elections. I'd bet a lot of money that most of these people aren't working under a Caplan-style non-voting logic, but instead under something like "I'm too busy" or "it doesn't matter to me / either way / from just my vote".

Many of these people, being politically disengaged, would not be well-informed about political issues (or even have strong and/or coherent values related to those issues). What I want to see is an empirical study that asks these people "are you aware of this?" and "does that awareness, in turn, factor into you not-voting?".

I think there's a world, which we might live in, where lots of non-voters believe something akin to "Why should I vote, if I'm clueless about it? Let the others handle this lmao, just like how the nice smart people somewhere make my bills come in."

In a relevant sense, I think there's an epistemically-legitimate and persuasive way to communicate "AGI labs are trying to build something smarter than humans, and you don't have to be an expert (or have much of a gears-level view of what's going on) to think this is scary. If our smartest experts still disagree on this, and the mistake-asymmetry is 'unnecessary slowdown VS human extinction', then it's perfectly fine to say 'shut it down until [someone/some group] figures out what's going on'".

To be clear, there's still a ton of ways to get this wrong, and those who think otherwise are deluding themselves out of reality. I'm claiming that real-human-doable advocacy can get this right, and it's been mostly left untried.

EXTRA RISK NOTE: Most persuasion, including digital, is one-to-many "broadcast"-style; "going viral" usually just means "some broadcast happened that nobody heard of", like an algorithm suggesting a video to a lot of people at once. Given this, plus anchoring bias, you should expect and be very paranoid about the "first thing people hear = sets the conversation" thing. (Think of how many people's opinions are copypasted from the first classy video essay mass-market John Oliver video they saw about the subject, or the first Fox News commentary on it.)

Not only does the case for X-risk need to be made first, but it needs to be right (even in a restricted way like my above suggestion) the first time. Actually, that's another reason why my restricted-version suggestion should be prioritized, since it's more-explicitly robust to small issues.

(If somebody does this in real life, you need to clearly end on something like "Even if a minor detail like [name a specific X] or [name a specific Y] is wrong, it doesn't change the underlying danger, because the labs are still working towards Earth's next intelligent species, and there's nothing remotely strong about the 'safety' currently in place.")

Comment by NicholasKross on Threat-Resistant Bargaining Megapost: Introducing the ROSE Value · 2024-01-21T16:58:10.709Z · LW · GW

So there's a sorta-crux about how much DT alignment researchers would have to encode into the-AI-we-want-to-be-aligned, before that AI is turned on. Right now I'm leaning towards "an AI that implements CEV well, would either turn-out-to-have or quickly-develop good DT on its own", but I can see it going either way. (This was especially true yesterday when I wrote this review.)

And I was trying to think through some of the "DT relevance to alignment" question, and I looked at relevant posts by [Tamsin Leake]( (whose alignment research/thoughts I generally agree with). And that led me to thinking more about value-handshakes, son-of-CDT (see Arbital), and systems like ROSE bargaining. Any/all of which, under certain assumptions, could determine (or hint at) answers to the "DT relevance" thing.

Comment by NicholasKross on There is way too much serendipity · 2024-01-21T05:01:03.624Z · LW · GW

Selection Bias Rules (Debatably Literally) Everything Around Us

Comment by NicholasKross on Even if we lose, we win · 2024-01-21T04:37:26.265Z · LW · GW

Currently, I think this is a big crux in how to "do alignment research at all". Debatably "the biggest" or even "the only real" crux.

(As you can tell, I'm still uncertain about it.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Threat-Resistant Bargaining Megapost: Introducing the ROSE Value · 2024-01-21T03:30:30.244Z · LW · GW

Decision theory is hard. In trying to figure out why DT is useful (needed?) for AI alignment in the first place, I keep running into weirdness, including with bargaining.

Without getting too in-the-weeds: I'm pretty damn glad that some people out there are working on DT and bargaining.

Comment by NicholasKross on Bad at Arithmetic, Promising at Math · 2024-01-18T02:26:41.131Z · LW · GW

Still seems too early to tell if this is right, but man is it a crux (explicit or implicit).


Terence Tao seems to have gotten some use out of the most recent LLMs.

Comment by NicholasKross on The LessWrong 2022 Review · 2024-01-17T23:24:02.865Z · LW · GW

if you take into account the 4-5 staff months these cost to make each year, we net lost money on these

For the record, if each book-set had cost $40 or even $50, I still would have bought them, right on release, every time. (This was before my financial situation improved, and before the present USD inflation.)

I can't speak for everyone's financial situation, though. But I (personally) mentally categorize these as "community-endorsement luxury-type goods", since all the posts are already online anyway.

The rationality community is unusually good about not selling ingroup-merch when it doesn't need or want to. These book sets are the perfect exceptions.

Comment by NicholasKross on So you want to save the world? An account in paladinhood · 2024-01-13T06:15:37.007Z · LW · GW

to quote a fiend, "your mind is a labyrinth of anti-cognitive-bias safeguards, huh?"

[emphasis added]

The implied context/story this is from sure sounds interesting. Mind telling it?

Comment by NicholasKross on "Dark Constitution" for constraining some superintelligences · 2024-01-11T00:38:39.308Z · LW · GW

I don't think of governments as being... among other things "unified" enough to be superintelligences.

Also, see "Things That Are Not Superintelligence" and "Maybe The Real Superintelligent AI Is Extremely Smart Computers".

Comment by NicholasKross on I Would Have Solved Alignment, But I Was Worried That Would Advance Timelines · 2024-01-09T19:32:19.548Z · LW · GW

The alignment research that is done will be lower quality due to less access to compute, capability knowhow, and cutting edge AI systems.

I think this is false, though it's a crux in any case.

Capabilities withdrawal is good because we don't need big models to do the best alignment work, because that is theoretical work! Theoretical breakthroughs can make empirical research more efficient. It's OK to stop doing capabilities-promoting empirical alignment, and focus on theory for a while.

(The overall idea of "if all alignment-knowledgeable capabilities people withdraw, then all capabilities will be done by people who don't know/care about alignment" is still debatable, but distinct. One possible solution: safety-promoting AGI labs stop their capabilities work, but continue to hire capabilities people, partly to prevent them from working elsewhere. This is complicated, but not central to my objection above.)

I see this asymmetry a lot and may write a post on it:

If theoretical researchers are wrong, but you do follow their caution anyway, then empirical alignment goes slower... and capabilities research slows down even more. If theoretical researchers are right, but you don't follow their caution, you continue or speedup AI capabilities to do less-useful alignment work.

Comment by NicholasKross on Learning Math in Time for Alignment · 2024-01-09T05:46:11.125Z · LW · GW

Good catch! Most of it is hunches to be tested (and/or theorized on, but really tested) currently. Fixed

Comment by NicholasKross on publishing alignment research and exfohazards · 2024-01-09T00:19:34.499Z · LW · GW

"Exfohazard" is a quicker way to say "information that should not be leaked". AI capabilities has progressed on seemingly-trivial breakthroughs, and now we have shorter timelines.

The more people who know and understand the "exfohazard" concept, the safer we are from AI risk.

Comment by NicholasKross on Optimality is the tiger, and agents are its teeth · 2024-01-09T00:11:22.813Z · LW · GW

More framings help the clarity of the discussion. If someone doesn't understand (or agree with) classic AI-takeover scenarios, this is one of the posts I'd use to explain them.

Comment by NicholasKross on Write a Thousand Roads to Rome · 2024-01-08T18:17:49.573Z · LW · GW

Funny thing, I had a similar idea to this (after reading some Sequences and a bit about pedagogy). That was the sort-of-multi-modal-based intuition behind Mathopedia.

Comment by NicholasKross on NicholasKross's Shortform · 2024-01-05T03:00:27.504Z · LW · GW

Is any EA group *funding* adult human intelligence augmentation? It seems broadly useful for lots of cause areas, especially research-bottlenecked ones like AI alignment.

Why hasn't e.g. OpenPhil funded this project?:

Comment by NicholasKross on Does LessWrong make a difference when it comes to AI alignment? · 2024-01-04T19:24:17.313Z · LW · GW

Seems to usually be good faith. People can still be biased of course (and they can't all be right on the same questions, with the current disagreements), but it really is down to differing intuitions, which background-knowledge posts have been read by which people, etc.

Comment by NicholasKross on Does LessWrong make a difference when it comes to AI alignment? · 2024-01-04T02:57:56.828Z · LW · GW

To add onto other people's answers:

People have disagreements over what the key ideas about AI/alignment even are.

People with different basic-intuitions notoriously remain unconvinced by each other's arguments, analogies, and even (the significance of) experiments. This has not been solved yet.

Alignment researchers usually spend most time on their preferred vein of research, rather than trying to convince others.

To (try to) fix this, the community's added concepts like "inferential distance" and "cruxes" to our vocabulary. These should be be discussed and used explicitly.

One researcher has some shortform notes (here and here) on how hard it is to communicate about AI alignment. I myself wrote some longer, more emotionally-charged notes on why we'd expect this.

But there's hope yet! This chart format makes it easier to communicate beliefs on key AI questions. And better ideas can always be lurking around the corner...

Comment by NicholasKross on Tamsin Leake's Shortform · 2024-01-04T02:42:23.804Z · LW · GW

I relate to this quite a bit ;-;

Comment by NicholasKross on Tamsin Leake's Shortform · 2024-01-04T02:33:21.307Z · LW · GW

People's minds are actually extremely large things that you fundamentally can't fully model

Is this "fundamentally" as in "because you, the reader, are also a bounded human, like them"? Or "fundamentally" as in (something more fundamental than that)?

Comment by NicholasKross on Tamsin Leake's Shortform · 2024-01-04T02:32:29.093Z · LW · GW

If timelines weren't so short, brain-computer-based telepathy would unironically be a big help for alignment.

(If a group had the money/talent to "hedge" on longer timelines by allocating some resources to that... well, instead of a hivemind, they first need to run through the relatively-lower-hanging fruit. Actually, maybe they should work on delaying capabilities research, or funding more hardcore alignment themselves, or...)

Comment by NicholasKross on OpenAI, DeepMind, Anthropic, etc. should shut down. · 2023-12-18T02:27:46.757Z · LW · GW

This point could definitely be its own post. I'd love to see you write this! (I'd of course be willing to proofread/edit it, title it, etc.)

Comment by NicholasKross on "Humanity vs. AGI" Will Never Look Like "Humanity vs. AGI" to Humanity · 2023-12-16T20:13:30.144Z · LW · GW

And the AGI, if it's worth the name, would not fail to exploit this.

This sentence is a good short summary of some AI alignment ideas. Good writing!

Comment by NicholasKross on Alignment work in anomalous worlds · 2023-12-16T20:10:23.157Z · LW · GW

Someone may think "Anomalous worlds imply the simulation-runners will save us from failing at alignment!"

My reply is: Why are they running a simulation where we have to solve alignment?

At a first pass, if we're in a simulation, it's probably for research, rather than e.g. a video game or utopia. (H/t an IRL friend for pointing this out).

Therefore, if we observe ourselves needing to solve AI alignment (and not having solved it yet), the simulation-runners potentially also need AI alignment to get solved. And if history is any guide, we should not rely on any such beings "saving us" before things cross a given threshold of badness.

(There are other caveats I can respond to about this, but please DM me about them if you think of them, since they may be infohazard-leaning and (thus) should not be commented publicly, pending more understanding.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Current AIs Provide Nearly No Data Relevant to AGI Alignment · 2023-12-16T00:32:57.484Z · LW · GW

But you wouldn't study ... MNIST-classifier CNNs circa 2010s, and claim that your findings generalize to how LLMs circa 2020s work.

This particular bit seems wrong; CNNs and LLMs are both built on neural networks. If the findings don't generalize, that could be called a "failure of theory", not an impossibility thereof. (Then again, maybe humans don't have good setups for going 20 steps ahead of data when building theory, so...)

(To clarify, this post is good and needed, so thank you for writing it.)

Comment by NicholasKross on AI Views Snapshots · 2023-12-16T00:30:14.801Z · LW · GW

I'm most willing to hear meta-level arguments about internal consistency, or specific existing evidence that I don't know about (especially "secret" evidence). Less certain about the governance sections and some of the exact-wordings.

Comment by NicholasKross on Enhancing intelligence by banging your head on the wall · 2023-12-13T00:18:26.425Z · LW · GW

Oh yeah, this is wacky, risky, and anti-inductive.

Comment by NicholasKross on Enhancing intelligence by banging your head on the wall · 2023-12-13T00:17:33.820Z · LW · GW

"Enhancing intelligence by making large numbers of gene edits"

Comment by NicholasKross on We're all in this together · 2023-12-12T02:19:08.618Z · LW · GW

So it's not just a mistake. It's a choice, that choice has motivations, and those motivations are in conflict with our motivations, insofar as they shelter themselves from reason.

This still seems, to me, like a special case of "mistake".

Comment by NicholasKross on We're all in this together · 2023-12-10T18:42:43.626Z · LW · GW

"When the Singularity happens, this (money, conflict, the problems I'm experiencing) won't be a problem anymore."

I mean... yeah?

Some things I think would cause people to disagree:

  • They think a friendly-AGI-run society would have some use for money, conflict, etc. I'd say the onus is on them to explain why we would need those things in such a society.
  • They think a good "singularity" would not be particularly "weird" or sci-fi looking, which ignores the evidence of technological development throughout history. I think this is what the "The specific, real reality in front of you" sentence is about. A medieval peasant would very much disagree with that sentence, if they were suddenly thrust into a modern grocery store. I think they would say the physical reality around them changed to a pretty magical-seeming degree.
  • Any/all of the above, but applied to a harmful singularity. (E.g. thinking that an unfriendly AGI could not kill everyone, rendering their previous problems irrelevant.)

This seems to be a combo of the absurdity heuristic and trying to "psychoanalyze your way to the truth". Just because something sounds kind of like some elements of some religions, does not make it automatically false.

(I'd be less antsy about this if this was a layperson's comment in some reddit thread, but this is a LessWrong comment on an AI alignment researcher's post. I did not to see this sort of thing in this place at this time.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Originality vs. Correctness · 2023-12-08T18:43:19.607Z · LW · GW

Both people here are making conflation/failure-to-decouple mistakes. E.g. tying "community coordination" together with "how to generate and/or filter one's own ideas".

Tabooing most of the topic-words/phrases under discussion, I reckon, would have made this dialogue 3-10x better.

(Will have more thoughts, possibly a response post, once I'm done reading/thinking-through this.)

Comment by NicholasKross on Originality vs. Correctness · 2023-12-08T18:39:09.138Z · LW · GW

Agreed. I think of it as:

You need your mind to have at least barely enough correctness-structure/Lawfulness to make your ideas semi-correct, or at least easy to correct them later.

Then you want to increase originality within that space.

And if you need more original ideas, you go outside that space (e.g. by assuming your premises are false, or by taking drugs; yes, these are the same class of thing), and then clawing those ideas back into the Lawfulness zone.

Reading things like this, and seeing how long it took them to remember "Babble vs Prune", makes me wonder if people just forgot the existence of the "create, then edit" pattern. So people end up rounding off to "You don't need to edit or learn more, because all of my creative ideas are also semi-correct in the first place". Or "You can't create good-in-hindsight ideas without editing tools X Y Z in your toolbelt".

The answer is probably closer to one of these than the other, and yadda yadda social engineering something something community beliefs, but man do people talk like they believe these trivially-false extreme cases.

Comment by NicholasKross on Open Thread – Winter 2023/2024 · 2023-12-05T01:45:09.122Z · LW · GW

Re-linking my feature request from yesterday.

Comment by NicholasKross on [deleted post] 2023-12-04T00:16:36.008Z

Heartbreaking: This tag includes both "human agenty-ness" and "AI becoming more agentic".

It'd be cool if tags could be disambiguation-type pages, to "Agency (human)" and "Agency (AI)". The disambiguation page still lets us talk about both, especially if the disambiguation, itself, is also a usable tag.

Comment by NicholasKross on LessWrong FAQ · 2023-12-03T20:59:00.282Z · LW · GW

Feature request (is there a better place to put this?):

A toggle in my user settings, where I can turn on "require an extra click before publishing draft". So I can prevent accidentally posting something with an "are you sure?" dialogue, if I toggle that "on" on my account.

Yes, this has actually happened to me before. And with the Dialogues feature, the risk is only higher because of how much I'm inside the LW editor.