

Comment by Niklas Todenhöfer (niklas-todenhoefer) on Against Almost Every Theory of Impact of Interpretability · 2024-12-01T19:41:20.509Z · LW · GW


interpolation, interpretation or which word is meant here? 

Thank you 🙏 for elaborating

Comment by Niklas Todenhöfer (niklas-todenhoefer) on A Longlist of Theories of Impact for Interpretability · 2024-12-01T18:18:38.296Z · LW · GW

Less ambitious - The could be Goodharted, but it's expensive, and this shifts the inductive biases to favour aligned cognition

Hey 👋 , maybe a "tool" or which word were missing between 
"Less ambitious - The" & "[...]could be Goodharted,"?

Thank you 🙏 for your feedback what the sentence refers to with "The".

Comment by Niklas Todenhöfer (niklas-todenhoefer) on A short introduction to machine learning · 2024-10-27T17:06:23.176Z · LW · GW

instead deep learning tends to generalise incredibly well to examples it hasn’t seen already. How and why it does so is, however, still poorly-understood.

In my opinion generalisation is a very interesting point!

Are there any new insights into deep learning generalisation, similar to the ideas of:

1) implicit regularisation through optimisation methods like stochastic gradient descent, 
2) the double descent risk curve where more parameters can reduce error again, 
3) margin-based measures to predict generalisation gaps? 

Or more generally asked: 
How do we maybe ensure regular update(s) of this or similar article(s)?