Hi Lulie,
In your third endnote, you asked for comments on how hyper-vigilance may operate on an individual's own thoughts. Here are some ideas.
Hyper-vigilant thoughts result from the uncritical adoption of cultural memes. A person adopts some cultural value uncritically because it offers benefits and then self-imposes that value's standards. For example, a career choice motivated by the desire for security. A person could be vigilant within their career, even becoming an outstanding performer, while ignoring their unique wants/interests. When they believe they are performing poorly with regard to this standard, they become anxious because ultimately their entire security is being threatened (livelihood probably, but also method for decision making). Also, they lack the knowledge of their own higher-level values which provide answer the question "how do I act?" so they are at risk of being very lost.
The hyper-attentive person has strong inner wants, but they are ultimately motivated by allegiance to a values internally adopted out of fear. This person is likely to be opportunistic and anxious.
The avoidant person instead has cut off wants because of their tendency to cause conflict. This person is likely to become apathetic.
I found "Your relationship with other people is a macrocosm of your relationship with yourself." Very helpful, so thank you :)