

Comment by osten on A Crisper Explanation of Simulacrum Levels · 2024-01-01T15:57:20.350Z · LW · GW

Relevant paper:

Comment by osten on Optimization Markets · 2023-12-30T10:51:11.380Z · LW · GW

This gave me an idea: You could have a website where bidders upload a problem description, public and private data, an optimization goal (in the form of a solution-evaluation algorithm), and a bid like 'for a solution at least x good I pay y'. Takers can submit algorithms that produce solutions. They get run against the data with time and memory limit as specified by the bidder and if they match the solution quality the taker gets paid.

Is there something like this around?

Comment by osten on Based Beff Jezos and the Accelerationists · 2023-12-08T13:48:30.744Z · LW · GW

Thanks, I appreciate it. It must be very difficult. Please don't lose your patience.

Comment by osten on Elon Musk announces xAI · 2023-07-13T11:10:45.247Z · LW · GW

So will the maximally curious AI be curious about what would happen if you genetically modified all humans to become unicorns?

Comment by osten on Agentized LLMs will change the alignment landscape · 2023-04-09T05:54:18.256Z · LW · GW

But it also provides incredibly easy interpretability, because these systems think in English.

I'm not sure this point will stand because it might be cheaper to have them think in their own language:

Comment by osten on Five Reasons to Lie · 2023-01-17T19:58:20.499Z · LW · GW

Mr ChatGPT, does my bum look too big in that dress?

Comment by osten on Who are some prominent reasonable people who are confident that AI won't kill everyone? · 2022-12-05T17:44:10.138Z · LW · GW

Jeff Hawkins may qualify, see his first Lex Fridman interview: 1:55:19.

Comment by osten on Cognitive Impacts of Cocaine Use · 2021-08-01T16:57:19.670Z · LW · GW

Are you sure about the imcreased sustained attention among cocaine users? The abstract in your link seems to suggest the opposite.

Comment by osten on Social behavior curves, equilibria, and radicalism · 2021-06-06T21:48:54.450Z · LW · GW

Enjoyable. I'm surprised Asch's conformity experiments are not mentioned, e.g.