If RL becomes the next thing in improving LLM capabilities, one thing that I would bet on becoming big is computer-use in 2025. Seems hard to get more intelligence with just RL (who verifies the outputs?), but with something like computer use, it's easy to verify if a task has been done (has the email been sent, ticket been booked etc..) that it's starting to look to more to me like it can do self-learning.
One thing that's left AI still fully not integrated into the rest of the economy is simply that the current interfaces were built for humans and moving all those takes engineering time / effort etc.
I'm fairly sure the economic disruption would be pretty quick once this happens. For example, I can just run 10 LLM agents to act as customer service agents using my *existing tools* - just open emails, whatsapp, and message customers, check internal dashboards etc., then it's game over. What's stopping people right now is that there's not enough people to build that pipeline fast enough to utilize even the current capabilities.
Not sure if it's correct, I didn't actually short NVDA so all I can do is collect my bayes points. I did expect most investors to think at a first-level thinking as that was my immediate reaction on reading about DeepSeek's training cost. If models can be duplicated a few weeks / months after they're out for cheaper, then you don't have a moat (this is for most regular technologies. I'm not saying AI isn't different, just that most investors think of this like any other tech innovation)
Yeah, in one sense that makes sense. But also, NVDA is down ~16% today.
Deepseek R1 could mean reduced VC investments into large LLM training runs. They claim to have done it with ~6M. If there’s a big risk of someone else coming out with a comparable model at 1/10th the cost, then there’s no moat in OpenAI in the long run. I don’t know how much the VC / investors buy the ASI as an end goal and even what the pitch would be. They’re probably looking at more prosaic things like moats and growth rates, and this may mean reduced appetite for further investment instead of more.
There doesn't seem to be many surveys of the general population on doom type scenarios. Most of them seem to be based on bias/weapons type scenario. You could look at something like metaculus but I don't think that's representative of the general population.
Here's a breakdown of AI researchers: (median /mean of extinction is 5%/14%)
US Public: (12% of americans think it will be "extremely bad i.e extinction)
Based on the very weak data above, it doesn't seem like a huge divergence of opinion specifially for x-risk
Which is funny because there is at least one situation where robin reasons from first principles instead of taking the outside view (cryonics comes to mind). I'm not sure why he really doesn't want to go through the arguments from first principles for AGI.
GPT-2 does not - probably, very probably, but of course nobody on Earth knows what's actually going on in there - does not in itself do something that amounts to checking possible pathways through time/events/causality/environment to end up in a preferred destination class despite variation in where it starts out.
A blender may be very good at blending apples, that doesn't mean it has a goal of blending apples.
A blender that spit out oranges as unsatisfactory, pushed itself off the kitchen counter, stuck wires into electrical sockets in order to burn open your produce door, grabbed some apples, and blended those apples, on more than one occasion in different houses or with different starting conditions, would much more get me to say, "Well, that thing probably had some consequentialism-nature in it, about something that cashed out to blending apples" because it ended up at highly similar destinations from different starting points in a way that is improbable if nothing is navigating Time.
It doesn't seem crazy to me that a GPT type architecture with the "Stack More Layers" could eventually model the world well enough to simulate consequentialist plans - i.e given a prompt like:
"If you are a blender with legs in environment X, what would you do to blend apples?" and provide a continuation with a detailed plan like the above (and GPT4/5 etc with more compute giving slightly better plans - maybe eventually at a superhuman level)
It also seems like it could do this kind of consequentialist thinking without itself having any "goals" to pursue. I'm expecting the response to be one of the following, but I'm not sure which:
- "Well, if it's already make consequentialist plans, surely it has some goals like maximizing the amount of text it generates etc., and will try to do whatever it can to ensure that (similar to the "consequentialist alphago" example in the conversation) instead of just letting itself be turned off.
- A LLM / GPT will never be able to reliably output such plans with the current architecture or type of training data.
Small world, I guess :) I knew I heard this type of argument before, but I couldn't remember the name of it.
So it seems like the grabby aliens model contradicts the doomsday argument unless one of these is true:
- We live in a "grabby" universe, but one with few or no sentient beings long-term?
- The reference classes for the 2 arguments are somehow different (like discussed above)
Thanks for the great writeup (and the video). I think I finally understand the gist of the argument now.
The argument seems to raise another interesting question about the grabby aliens part.
He's using the hypothesis of grabby aliens to explain away the model's low probability of us appearing early (and I presume we're one of these grabby aliens). But this leads to a similar problem: Robin Hanson (or anyone reading this) has a very low probability of appearing this early amongst all the humans to ever exist.
This low probability would also require a similar hypothesis to explain away. The only way to explain that is some hypothesis where he's not actually that early amongst the total humans to ever exist which means we turn out not to be "grabby"?
This seems like one the problems with anthropic reasoning arguments and I'm unsure how seriously to take them.