

Comment by Remlin on Examples of growth mindset or practice in fiction · 2016-03-18T07:13:47.233Z · LW · GW

I think that great example of growth mindset is "Baby steps" anime and manga ( Boy become proffesional tennis player from scratch using deliberate practice and hard work.

Comment by Remlin on Rationality Quotes May 2014 · 2014-05-06T14:48:14.426Z · LW · GW

I think your example is not suitable for situation above - there I can see only two possible outcomes: X happen or X not happen. We don't know anything more about X. And P(X|A) + P(X|~A) = 1, isn't so?

Comment by Remlin on Rationality Quotes May 2014 · 2014-05-06T05:47:06.710Z · LW · GW

Sorry, I don't understand - why does sum of probabilities not equal 100% in your example? Assume that you missed "5" in "P(X|I believe X won't happen) = 1%"

Perhaps I would be better off being deluded about it.

But for what reason?