Servando's Shortform
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Servando on
Write ·
2021-12-31T06:38:00.580Z ·
LW ·
I took notes religiously, trying various techniques of organization and highlighting.
I always have the urge to highlight what I find most interesting to me while reading. To be honest, when I find myself without a pen, a feeling of discomfort grows in me. I need to highlight because I'm feeling related to that particular phrase/sentence.
I've developed some naive self-discovery techniques.
- Pick an old book and see some highlights. Think of why you feel related to this set of words. Write it down.
- Word cloud of topics. Our interests vary with time. We are not exposed to the same external factors and feel the same emotions. A word cloud of our main interests written through time could be helpful to understand the nature of your curiosity and personality. Have a closer look at what remains and what doesn't.