

Comment by Sheeny on Learning can be deciding · 2021-08-25T21:27:39.261Z · LW · GW

I'm new so don't expect great logical construction or ground breaking insight! But I wanted to jot a few thoughts your piece provoked in me.

It's reminiscent of Jordan Peterson rhetoric regarding personal responsibility. 

However when applied to environmental matters we've seen corporate entities manipulate or even invent our belief of personal responsibility in tackling climate change and pollution such as big plastics blaming their waste on the public adding near meaningless recycling icons to products putting the burden of recycling on the consumer even if the consumer doesn't have facilities capable of handling products of a certain icon/number in the vicinity while the consumer makes a futile attempt to sort items that will never be recycled in their locality. Or Big oil devising the carbon footprint campaign in order to put the onus on us to reduce our consumption while they surpassed information for decades of how deadly and disastrous their product was and is. The point being I can take personal responsibility and decide to recycling but ultimately its out of my hands once the bin man comes. I can't think of an analogue for my Big Oil point but I'm sure there must be one!

Perhaps this is just a Question A scenario but we've been told that it's a question B scenario for decades now.


In any case I enjoyed your article and I hope others can make a better point of my thoughts than I did :P