Yes, and "American" demographics would also be different.
The same thing that happened to would be white settlement in Africa. A lot of people without immunity would die of the diseases until medicine advanced enough to deal with it.
How is different selection pressure related to the idea that environmental factors also influence outcomes?
Environmental factors cause selection pressure on humans. This is what causes HBD.
It's further back the pipeline than hiring
So? A lot of said initiatives atempt to intervene further back in the pipeline as well.
Although in this case the relevant factor is that since humans originally evolved in Africa, it had more diseases that co-evolved with humans. Hence why South America, which has a cilmate similar to Africa had an even lower disease burden than Europe. At least until Europeans brought Africans, some of whom were infected with African diseases there.
I'm not pretending humans are perfectly rational agents that can successfully utilize relatively low levels of information.
And yet you belive yourself sufficiently rational that you can foresee all the implications encouraging people to believe things likely to be false.
Depends on the cause of the lack of blacks in tech. If the cause really is "white racism", in the sense of an irrational bias by whites in tech against hiring blacks, as proponents of those initiatives claim then the initiatives are not only highly useful, but morally necessary.
Original thread here.