
Mannheim Germany - ACX Meetups Everywhere Fall 2024 2024-08-29T18:37:20.151Z
Mannheim – ACX Meetups Everywhere Spring 2024 2024-03-30T11:25:20.356Z
Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany – ACX Meetups Everywhere Fall 2023 2023-08-25T23:28:18.615Z


Comment by Simon (simon-6) on Mannheim and Heidelberg, Germany – ACX Meetups Everywhere Fall 2023 · 2023-10-07T10:54:47.824Z · LW · GW

I'm really sorry, but I'm bed-ridden with a cold today :( so I cannot organize the event. Nevertheless, 4-6ppl indicated that they would come, I'm reaching out to you via email to try and organize that the meetup can still happen!