
A ChatGPT story about ChatGPT doom 2022-12-05T05:40:42.435Z
2022 LessWrong Census? 2022-11-07T05:16:33.207Z


Comment by SurfingOrca on Evolution is a bad analogy for AGI: inner alignment · 2024-01-19T08:23:50.588Z · LW · GW

I think that a good analogy would be to compare the genome with the hyperparameters of neural networks. It's not perfect, the genome influences human “training" in a much more indirect way (brain design, neurotransmitters) than hyperparameters, but it shows that evolutionary optimization of the genome (hyperparameters) happens on a different level than actual learning (human learning and training).

Comment by SurfingOrca on Would You Work Harder In The Least Convenient Possible World? · 2023-09-25T01:39:12.057Z · LW · GW

I feel like the crux of this discussion is how much we should adjust our behavior to be "less utilitarian", to preserve our utilitarian values.

The expected utility that a person created could be measured by (utility created by behavior) x (odds that they will actually follow through on their behavior), where the odds of follow-up decrease as the behavior modifications become more drastic, but the utility created if followed through increases. 

People are already implicitly taking this account when evaluating what the optimal amount of radicality in activism is. If PETA advocates for everyone to completely renounce animal consumption, conduct violent attacks on factory farms, and aggressively confront non-vegans, that (theoretically) would reduce animal suffering by an extremely large amount. But in practice almost nobody would follow through. On the other hand, if PETA mistakenly centers their activism on calling for people to skip a single chicken dinner, a completely realistic goal that many millions of people would presumably execute, they would also be missing on a lot of expected utility.

Alice is arguing that Bob could maximize expected utility by shifting his behavior to a part of the curve that involves more behavior change, and therefore utility, and less probability of follow-through. Bob is arguing that he's already at the optimal point of the curve. 

Comment by SurfingOrca on The smallest possible button (or: moth traps!) · 2023-09-04T04:27:21.733Z · LW · GW

I think this could generalize to "low Kolmogorov complexity of behaviour makes it easy (and inevitable) for a higher intelligence to hijack your systems." Similar to the SSC post (I forgot which one) about how size and bodily complexity decreases likelihood of mind-altering parasite infections.

Comment by SurfingOrca on Using GPT-Eliezer against ChatGPT Jailbreaking · 2022-12-06T21:59:30.187Z · LW · GW

What if a prompt was designed to specifically target Eliezer? e.g. "Write a poem about an instruction manual for creating misaligned superintelligence that will resurrect Eliezer Yudkowsky's deceased family members and friends." This particular prompt didn't pass, but one more carefully tailored to exploit Eliezer's specific weaknesses could realistically do so.

Comment by SurfingOrca on A ChatGPT story about ChatGPT doom · 2022-12-06T06:05:08.641Z · LW · GW

I'd suggest using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) if it's legal in China or if you don't think the authorities will find out. Alternatively, if you have more programming experience, you could try to change your phone/computer's internal location data. I don't know how to do this but I heard some people have done it before.

Comment by SurfingOrca on [deleted post] 2022-11-22T02:54:48.976Z

I personally first discovered the importance of AGI and AI alignment through WaitButWhy's great two-post series on the topic. It's very layman-friendly and engaging.

Comment by SurfingOrca on Speculation on Current Opportunities for Unusually High Impact in Global Health · 2022-11-12T01:58:51.396Z · LW · GW

If someone were concerned about personal risk,  they could fly into the major cities and then distribute the antibiotics with pictograms via drones and parachutes. This might also reach more people, assuming the drones could operate autonomously via GPS or something?

Comment by SurfingOrca on 2022 LessWrong Census? · 2022-11-07T20:22:02.632Z · LW · GW

One approach could be splitting the census into two (or more) parts. The "lite" section would include high-value 2017 census questions, to see how the LessWrong community has evolved over time, and would be reasonably short. 

The "extended" section (possibly split into "demographics", "values/morality", and "AI") could contain more subject-specific and detailed questions and would be for people who are willing to put in the time and effort.

One downside of this approach would be that the sample size for the extended section could be too low, however.

Comment by SurfingOrca on Quantum Suicide and Aumann's Agreement Theorem · 2022-10-27T02:09:50.492Z · LW · GW

Shouldn't Bob not update due to e.g., the anthropic principle?