

Comment by USER0xe3afcf0a9d42d1c8 on Birds, Brains, Planes, and AI: Against Appeals to the Complexity/Mysteriousness/Efficiency of the Brain · 2021-08-24T17:00:19.541Z · LW · GW

The wrong analogies to flight don't help much if

a) you don't know what your looking for and would need +80 OOM to "search" for a solution like evolution did (which you will never have)

b) you have no idea what intelligence is about (hint, it is NOT just about optimization, see (a)


if TAI were near I would expect

Q) more work in the field of AGI and way more AGI architectures, even with evolutionary / DL / latest clap trap hype of ML

T) more companies betting on AGI

U) a lot of strange ASI/AGI theories

V) a lot of work on RSI

W) autonomous robots roaming the streets (AGI/TAI has to be autonomous so this is a prerequisit)

this all is not happening and won't happen for at least 20 years, so TAI is not "near".