

Comment by Yrro on Learning flirting with an acting coach - thoughts? · 2020-07-16T15:38:05.428Z · LW · GW

I don't think this is a terrible idea, but keep in mind that your end goal should be "learn how to express myself in a socially fluent way" rather than "hit this combo to score." The failure mode for your approach is to end up with something that feels like AI-generated text -- the right words and signals in the right places but with none of the content behind them to feel natural. "Normal" people have very finely tuned senses of these signals, and while the fake reaction may work for initial or shallow interactions it will begin to fall apart quickly once something of more substance is desired. On the other hand, if your goal is to be able to combine these actions to correctly communicate your actual feelings, if you approach this more as you would learning a foreign language (because that's what it really is), you will end up in a better spot. There is nothing wrong with learning social language in a structured fashion -- it's not as good as learning it intuitively as a toddler learns their first language, but it's better than not learning it at all.