Zero Contradictions Philosophy

post by Zero Contradictions · 2024-06-29T06:18:38.854Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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I've known about LessWrong for several months now, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I have a philosophy website at In a single sentence, I would describe my philosophy as being based on rationalism and understanding the implications of the subject-object dichotomy and applied evolutionary theory, among other things. My beliefs have been strongly influenced by another blogger known as "Blithering Genius", and my website is part of a group of blogs known as "The Pragmatosphere".

I don't consider myself an expert on the LessWrong community, but I've detailed what I think are my main disagreements with LessWrong here. If anyone has any questions or comments, I can do my best to answer them.


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