The second act: Beginning epistemic rigor at 30

post by hiAndrewQuinn (hiandrewquinn) · 2023-08-07T09:34:20.923Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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For a long time I spurned anything like epistemic rigor. If that sounds insane it's because it is; I was at least a little insane myself for most of my life, with crucial parts of what I personally considered an adequate life missing. We are inherently limited creatures, limited of mind, limited of computational horsepower, and so I made the decision many years ago that, until and unless I was able to achieve those things which made life bearable by age 30, I would let a little rational irrationality pierce the veil, as a treat, a piercing as much fueled by a personal grievance with reality (s/God/reality/g if you don't care for the gnostics) as by any gradient descent on what I saw around me. Some such inadequacies I wanted answers to:

These are mostly not questions with clear logical answers. Indeed they're barely questions in the formal sense at all -- they are drives, emotional bulwarks that, as time went on, I learned I could tap into intentionally to keep myself going just a little bit longer than I normally could. I had of course loose hypotheses to all of these (mostly of the form "God/reality is indifferent to my struggles") but more importantly I had vague ideas of how to improve the situation. And as time went on in my twenties, even though money or legible accomplishments have proven sparse, I have been able to improve the situation quite a bit.

I don't speak to my parents anymore, but I'm converging in my own time to a position of indifference regarding them. And I'm finding that as I converge to indifference, I'm also being given a remarkable second shot at something I always wanted on some level, but just could never reach with them taking up as primary a role in determining my felt and experienced Bayesian priors about the safety and beauty of the world: A life where I can actually, for once, afford to think clearly about various topics, my inner skybox unclouded by emotion, unclouded by fury, unclouded by pain.


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