Binary encoding as a simple explicit construction for superposition

post by tailcalled · 2024-10-12T21:18:31.731Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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Superposition is the possibility of storing more than  features in an -dimensional vector, by letting the features be slightly correlated with each other. It turns out that one can store exponentially many features in a given vector. The ability to store that many features in a single vector space is sometimes explained using the Johnson–Lindenstrauss lemma, but the lemma seems counterintuitive, so I came up with an alternative approach that I found simpler:

Suppose you have a set  with  elements and you want to embed it in a -dimensional vector space. We label each element  with integers  such that . You can write each integer  as a string of  bits, . To improve symmetry, we translate a bit  from being  or  to being  or  by taking . Join all the digits into a vector and normalize to get the embedding:

That is, we map each bit to a separate dimension, with a  bit mapping to a positive value and a  bit mapping to a negative value, and scale the embedding by  to keep the embedding vector of unit length.

If we pick two random elements  and  of , then an elementary argument shows that their dot product is well-approximated as following a normal distribution .

In some ways this isn't quite as perfect as the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma since you could in principle be unlucky and get two elements that accidentally have a high similarity. After all, for a given element , there will be  elements  whose numbers merely differ from  by a bitflip. However, it is straightforward to reduce the noise: just concatenate multiple embeddings based on different labels. If instead of using  dimensions, you use  dimensions, then you can pump down the noise to .


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