Tokyo AI Safety 2025: Call For Papers

post by Blaine (blaine-rogers) · 2024-10-21T08:43:38.467Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

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  Important Dates
  Call for papers
  Reviewing and Submission Policy
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Last April, AI Safety Tokyo and Noeon Research (in collaboration with Reaktor JapanAI Alignment Network and AI Industry Foundation) hosted TAIS 2024, an AI safety conference in Tokyo, Japan. You can read more about that conference and how well it went here [LW · GW].

We are running another conference next April (TAIS 2025), and have just put out our call for papers. If you work in technical safety, philosophy or governance and want to contribute to building safety research capacity in Japan, please send a paper our way!

Important Dates

All deadlines are 11:59PM UTC-12:00 (“anywhere on Earth”).

Call for papers

We are inviting submissions of short papers (maximum 8 pages) outlining new research, with a deadline of January 1, 2025. We welcome papers on any of the following topics, or anything else where the authors convincingly argue that it advances the field of AI safety in Japan.

We encourage you to consider submitting to TAIS 2025 even if you think your work might not be relevant; irrelevant submissions are not a substantial burden on our editorial team, and our editors like reading oblique and hard-to-categorize research.

We also welcome position pieces bringing clarification to complex topics (especially topics not prominent in the Japanese research community), discussing the need for research in overlooked areas, or pointing out structural issues that present obstacles to those who would otherwise do good research.

Reviewing and Submission Policy

Please submit your paper using the form on our website.

Submissions are non-archival. We are happy to receive submissions that are also undergoing peer review elsewhere at the time of submission, but we will not accept submissions that have already been previously published or accepted for publication at peer-reviewed conferences or journals. Submission is permitted for papers presented or to be presented at other non-archival venues.

Most accepted papers will be offered a poster presentation. In rare cases we might ask the authors to lead a workshop (1-2 hours). If you would like to be considered for a workshop, please indicate as such on your submission form.

TAIS 2025 is not peer-reviewed. Our team of editors will review each submission and decide whether to accept a paper as a poster, invite the authors to lead a workshop, or reject. Evaluation of submissions will be based on the originality and novelty, the technical strength, and relevance to the workshop topics. Notifications of acceptance will be sent to applicants by email.


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