Parkinson's Law and the Ideology of Statistics
post by Benquo · 2025-01-04T15:49:21.247Z · LW · GW · 7 commentsThis is a link post for
Ideology Problem Most of the population in rural Lesotho grew crops, but they did not make very much income from them. More than 60% of the area’s young men were working in mines in nearby South Africa and sending back remittances. Many families had large flocks of underfed cattle. Even when money was tight, the team rarely observed cattle sales. Diagnosis Recommendation None 7 comments
The anonymous review of The Anti-Politics Machine published on Astral Codex X focuses on a case study of a World Bank intervention in Lesotho, and tells a story about it:
The World Bank staff drew reasonable-seeming conclusions from sparse data, and made well-intentioned recommendations on that basis. However, the recommended programs failed, due to factors that would have been revealed by a careful historical and ethnographic investigation of the area in question. Therefore, we should spend more resources engaging in such investigations in order to make better-informed World Bank style resource allocation decisions. So goes the story.
It seems to me that the World Bank recommendations were not the natural ones an honest well-intentioned person would have made with the information at hand. Instead they are heavily biased towards top-down authoritarian schemes, due to a combination of perverse incentives, procedures that separate data-gathering from implementation, and an ideology that makes this seem like the natural and normal thing to do.
Within an evidential framework such as Bayesianism, statistics are a specific type of evidence, drawn from low-dimensional quantitative data, with many more observations than degrees of freedom, collected by an automated process decoupled from the process that uses the evidence to decide and act. Within this framework, the parts of the effective altruist narrative related to global poverty might seem to be claiming that, while of course you can help others somewhat by acting locally, statistics allows us to identify opportunities to do much more good by acting on people very distant from us, because we have much more purchasing power than they do (the implied thesis of GiveDirectly), or have better access to information (the implied thesis of every EA global poverty charity except GiveDirectly).
The review begins by affirming an ideology within which the idea of evidence has been not augmented but replaced by the idea of statistics:
If you want your charitable giving to mean something, you also need to measure your favorite program’s effects with good statistical data.
If only statistics are meaningful, then you do not meaningfully understand the material conditions of your life, your sensorium is not meaningful, you cannot help an individual known to you by using your understanding of your own circumstances, and the only information with meaning is the information endorsed by a mysterious-to-itself process by which a large data collection and interpretation agency such as a modern state socially constructs an opinion using statistical methods. Of course such a position rules out as a meaningful intervention not only feeding a hungry person in front of you, but also long-run AI safety work, since while the former case has too many degrees of freedom and too small a sample size to make statistical inferences, in the latter case the relevant statistics could only possibly be collected after the program decisively succeeded.
The case study begins with three summary facts known to the World Bank staff making recommendations:
- Most of the population in rural Lesotho grew crops, but they did not make very much income from them.
- More than 60% of the area’s young men were working in mines in nearby South Africa and sending back remittances.
- Many families had large flocks of underfed cattle. Even when money was tight, the team rarely observed cattle sales.
The idea is that these facts are true-but-misleading, and a much more extensive up-front ethnographic and historical investigation would be required to act constructively.
As an exercise, I thought about what I might recommend in a situation where all I knew was those three facts.
Most of the population in rural Lesotho grew crops, but they did not make very much income from them.
Conspicuously absent from this is an estimate of how much land the population possesses, and its agricultural potential. The raw acreage per capita can be estimated from population numbers, and one could look at the agricultural yields (and thus revenue) of similar terrain elsewhere. Their actual crop yields can then be compared to the income figures to see whether the problem, if any, is yields or pricing.
If it seems like Lesothans are growing crops just fine, but collecting below-market prices, then they might benefit from better access to global markets via roads or other transportation links, or better information about global markets via telecommunications. It's easy to check if they have cell phones and right-of-way to a nearby large market.
If on the other hand the land seems underexploited, that suggests insufficient access to capital. This could be solved in either of two ways: an outside investor could profitably lend the Lesothans money to invest in agricultural equipment and supplies to improve their yields, or if the Lesothans lack the skills or time to manage that project themselves, they could rent out their land to others willing and able to do so, providing them with direct revenue.
If any of these business opportunities were viable, of course, there would need to be some reason why it hadn't already been exploited. One reason could simply be that no one with access to capital or global markets had put the work into understanding the Lesothans' situation, i.e. that the World Bank has an information advantage it can exploit to broker a deal that otherwise could not happen.
Another reason the deal hasn't happened yet could be that investors are wary of political risk. The World Bank might enable a deal by insuring the investor against expropriation, but if the state's inclined to expropriate from anyone with a visible surplus, then it's not clear that one would be doing the Lesothans a favor by legibly enriching them. The main way I could see an institution like the World Bank being helpful is if they have the leverage to prevent such an expropriation, and therefore collect a profit on the insurance they sold.
More than 60% of the area’s young men were working in mines in nearby South Africa and sending back remittances.
When sending remittances, how much do they lose in fraud or payment processing fees? If a lot, setting up a vouched-for honest intermediary could help. Likewise, do they have access to convenient, cheap transportation?
Another possible problem could be if the young men are capturing only a very small amount of the surplus produced by their labor; if so, helping them bargain with their employers collectively might allow them to earn more.
Many families had large flocks of underfed cattle. Even when money was tight, the team rarely observed cattle sales.
According to what metric are the cattle underfed? Are they yielding less milk, meat, or offspring than they otherwise would under economically optimal feeding? If so, this suggests a profitable investment scheme in which an outside investor either lends the Lesothans the money to feed their cattle adequately, or buys or rents the cattle, feeds them optimally, and gets more out of them than the Lesothans otherwise would.
The above ideas all involve either directly proposing a deal or a specific proposal for further investigation into the Lesothans' circumstances.
The review tells us that the development economists recommended programs that "failed" based on inadequate information, but before actually telling us what they recommended, spends several paragraphs on vague litanies such as:
The World Bank report’s fundamental misdiagnosis of the challenges Lesotho faced formed the basis for a series of failed “development initiatives”, most notably the Thaba-Tseka Development Project, a joint venture funded by the Canadian International Development Agency, the World Bank, the Government of Lesotho, and the UK Overseas Development Ministry.
Finally, a few paragraphs into the second major section of the review, we can read a concrete description of some things that were tried:
the best plots of land in the village had been forcibly confiscated to make room for wood and pony lots, without any sort of compensation
Stealing the locals' land to plant trees and raise ponies is a totally bonkers response to the three summary facts enumerated. If the World Bank bureaucrats were aware of the likely concrete implementation of their recommendations, then they were not making a mistake, they were recommending a campaign of centralization of power similar to Stalin's collectivization of agriculture, albeit an incrementalist one. There may be valid reasons to something like that, e.g. the state might need to extract more resources for use elsewhere, but helping the locals directly affected is not one of them.
If, on the other hand, the system was set up to conceal the implementation details from the World Bank, that would seem to be the root problem - and that is also not the sort of thing that happens purely by mistake.
It's also not a mistake that there seems to have been little overlap between the kinds of ideas I proposed - ideas that respect the autonomy of the people involved, ideas that would occur to anyone who understood the content of introductory college-level courses in microeconomics and finance, ideas that would have occurred immediately to anyone who understood the standard content of an MBA, ideas that I regularly read about implementations of in the pages of The Economist in the '00s - and, on the other hand, the ideas that the World Bank team proposed.
I'm having some difficulty pinning down what the reviewer's diagnosis is, but initially it doesn't seem like they disagree. In the first section, I read:
But even more seriously, the project was so enveloped in “development discourse” that nobody thought to question whether they were working on problems their “recipients” cared about, or merely the ones the “tools of development” were capable of solving. As Ferguson writes, “The promise that crop farming could be revolutionized through the application of a well-known package of technical inputs was so firmly written into the project’s design that it was difficult for those on the scene to challenge it, or even to confront it.”
Part of this, perhaps, comes from the usual overconfidence that other social scientists like to accuse economists of. But there are much bigger systemic problems at play. Development work tends to run on short timelines: grad students and postdocs need to publish quickly for their careers to advance, NGO funding runs on 5-ish year cycles, and charities (particularly in “high-risk” areas) face extremely high employee turnover rates. This simultaneously limits the accumulation of institutional knowledge, while incentivizing practitioners away from the time-intensive process of understanding a particular context in favor of “getting results quick.”
Note that if "results" meant "benefit to the locals," the recommendations would not be the best strategy for "getting results quick" - that would be allocating the development budget to cash transfers to the Lesothans being "helped," which seems like the sort of thing that might be done within a week and could likely be done within a month. In context, "getting results quick" means quickly justifying a project, i.e. a job creation scheme, aka a boondoggle.
Later, in the second section:
Two things stand out to me from this story. First, the “development discourse” lens served to focus the practitioners’ attention on a handful of technical variables (quantity of wood, quality of pony), and kept them from thinking about any repercussions they hadn’t thought to measure.
This is a serious problem, because “negative effects on things that aren’t your primary outcome” are pretty common in the development literature. High-paying medical NGOs can pull talent away from government jobs. Foreign aid can worsen ongoing conflicts. Unconditional cash transfers can hurt neighbors who didn’t receive the cash. And the literature we have is implicitly conditioned on “only examining the variables academics have thought to look at” -- surely our tools have rendered other effects completely invisible!
Second, the project organizers somewhat naively ignored the political goals of the government they’d partnered with, and therefore the extent to which these goals were shaping the project.
This would seem to suggest that the problem is that the World Bank is committed - both through its institutional practices and ideology - to implementing a class of frequently destructive policies, and using statistical evidence to justify the set of actions they already have in mind. This is not a defective form of, but an alternative to, reasoning about the situation implied by their statistical summary, forming specific hypotheses about how to help the locals, and then investigating whether the hypotheses are workable. (First-principles reasoning about cash transfers would immediately identify negative spillover from inflation as a concern, though I don't see how someone would expect that to be a net concern.)
The institutional commitments are similar to the ones described in Moral Mazes - in particular the 5-year cycles remind me of the practice of "milking" a division by deferring maintenance, which makes short-run financial numbers look better, under the assumption that you will be promoted or transferred before anything too bad happens due to neglected maintenance, so you won't be held accountable. Parkinson's Law is even more relevant. I expect that anyone drafting a World Bank recommendation has to follow these rules:
- You mustn't recommend something that would reduce the number of people under your boss's authority.
- You mustn't draw any conclusions that would invalidate an important premise of the World Bank's justification for existence, or your department's.
- You must recommend something that involves the disbursement of funds through a limited set of official structures to do things for the locals.
- Recommendations for further investigation may be used to justify the drafting of another World Bank report, or an expensive formalized RCT or survey, but not someone just going around looking and asking questions.
Such constraints are generally not consciously thought of as restrictions on a larger set of natural possibilities, but instead internalized as limits on which actions are thinkable in the first place. This is part of what makes institutional reform difficult.
The natural conclusion here would simply be to discredit and defund institutions similar to the World Bank relative to other things someone might do to help others, like thinking carefully about decision theory or asking a stranger in distress what sort of help they need. But the reviewer instead proposes funding a larger data-gathering bureaucracy, employing a greater number of experts from a wider variety of fields, to form a more detailed initial picture of local situations, to be fed into the same broken bureaucracy.
I'd like to see a cost-benefit analysis.
Comments sorted by top scores.
comment by kave · 2025-01-08T03:37:39.322Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I dug up my old notes on this book review. Here they are:
Replies from: BenquoSo, I've just spent some time going through the World Bank documents on its interventions in Lesotho. The Anti-Politics Machine is not doing great on epistemic checking
- There is no recorded Thaba-Tseka Development Project, despite the period in which it should have taken place being covered
- There is a Thaba-Bosiu development project (parts 1 and 2) taking place at the correct time.
- Thaba-Bosiu and Thaba-Tseka are both regions of Lesotho
- The spec doc for Thaba-Bosiu Part 2 references the alleged problems the economists were faced with (remittances from South African miners, poor crop yield ... no complaint about cows)
- It has a negative assessment doc at the end. It was an unsuccessful project. This would match
- The funding doesn't quite match up. The UK is mentioned as funding the "Thaba-Tseka" project, and is indeed funding Thaba-Bosiu. But Canada is I believe funding a road project instead
- Something like 2/3 of the country is involved in Thaba-Bosiu Development II (It became renamed the "Basic Agricultural Services Program")
- There is no mention of ponies or wood involved in interventions anywhere. In fact, the part II retrospective includes the lack of focus on livestock as a problem (suggesting they didn't do much of it)
- They were focused on five major crops (maize, sorghum, beans, peas and wheat)
- Also the quote in the book review of the quote in The Anti-Politics Machine of the quote in the report doesn't show up in any of the documents I looked at (which basically covered every project in Lesotho by the World Bank in that time period). The writing style of the quote is also moderately distinct from that of the reports
- AFAICT, the main intervention was fertiliser. The retrospective claims this failed because (a) the climate in Lesotho is uniquely bad and screened off fertilisation and (b) the Lesotho government fucked up messaging and also every other part of everything all the time and ultimately all the donors backed out.
- The government really wanted to be self-sufficient in food production. None of the donors, the farmers or the world bank cared about this but the government focused its messaging heavily around this. The government ended up directing a lot of its efforts towards a new Food Self-Sufficiency Program which was seen as incompatible with the goals of Basic Agricultural Services Program.
- The fact that the crop situation wasn't working was recognised fairly early on. They started on an adaptive trial of crop research to figure out what would work better. This was hampered by donor coordination so only happened in a small area, but apparently worked quite well
All-in-all, sounds less bad than the Anti-Politics Machine makes it out to be, and also just generally very different? I'm not 100% certain I've managed to locate all the relevant programs though, so it's possible something closer to the book's description did happen
↑ comment by Benquo · 2025-01-12T01:49:29.562Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
Wow, thanks for doing the legwork on this - seems like quite possibly I'm analyzing fiction? Annoying if true.
Google's AI response to my search for the Thaba-Tseka Development Project says:
According to available World Bank documentation, the "Thaba-Tseka development project" is primarily referenced within the context of the "Lesotho Integrated Transport, Trade and Logistics Project," which focuses on improving the road corridor connecting Katse to Thaba-Tseka, aiming to enhance regional connectivity and reduce trade costs at Lesotho's borders with South Africa; key documents to reference would be those related to this project, particularly those detailing the road infrastructure development component between Katse and Thaba-Tseka.
Key points about the documentation:
- Project Title: "Lesotho Integrated Transport, Trade and Logistics Project"
- Focus Area: Upgrading the Katse to Thaba-Tseka road corridor
- Objectives: Improve climate resilient regional connectivity, reduce trade costs at Lesotho's borders
- Relevant documents to explore: Project Appraisal Documents, Procurement documents related to road construction and improvement on the Katse-Thaba-Tseka stretch
There's a good chance this is an AI hallucination, though; a cursory search of the main documents didn't yield any references to a "Thaba-Tseka development project," or the wood or ponies. I'm not familiar with World Bank documentation, though, and likely the right followup would involve looking at exactly what's cited in the book.
However, the other lead funder, the Canadian International Development Agency, does seem to have at least one publicly referenced document about a "Thaba-Tseka rural development program": Evaluation, the Kingdom of Lesotho rural development : evaluation design for phase 1, the Thaba Tseka project
Replies from: Hzn↑ comment by Hzn · 2025-01-13T00:40:53.783Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
But even if the Thaba-Tseka Development Project is real & accurately described, what is the justification for focusing on this project in particular? It seems likely that James Ferguson focused on it b/c it was especially inept & hence it's not obviously representative of the World Bank's work in general.
Replies from: Benquo↑ comment by Benquo · 2025-01-13T01:56:41.966Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I agree that even if the book turned out to be entirely accurate we should not assume that this case is representative of the average development project, but we could still learn from it. Many hours from highly trained and well-paid people are allocated to planning and evaluating such projects, which expenditure is ostensibly to ensure quality. Even looking at worst cases helps us see what sort of quality is or is not being ensured.
Replies from: Hzn↑ comment by Hzn · 2025-01-15T00:58:05.813Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I don't completely disagree but there is also some danger of being systematically misleading.
I think your last 4 bullet points are really quite good & they probably apply to a number of organizations not just the World Bank. I'm inclined to view this as an illustration of organizational failure more than an evaluation of the World Bank. (Assuming of course that the book is accurate).
I will say tho that my opinion of development economics is quite low…
Replies from: Benquo↑ comment by Benquo · 2025-02-10T03:36:12.144Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
I built the explanatory model based on my experience employed by and reading about other vaguely analogous institutions, but an acquaintance who'd previously worked at the World Bank said it seemed like an accurate characterization of that institution as well.
comment by cousin_it · 2025-01-06T17:31:45.152Z · LW(p) · GW(p)
There have been many controversies about the World Bank. A good starting point is this paragraph from Naomi Klein's article:
The truth is that the bank's credibility was fatally compromised when it forced school fees on students in Ghana in exchange for a loan; when it demanded that Tanzania privatise its water system; when it made telecom privatisation a condition of aid for Hurricane Mitch; when it demanded labour "flexibility" in Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the Asian tsunami; when it pushed for eliminating food subsidies in post-invasion Iraq. Ecuadoreans care little about Wolfowitz's girlfriend; more pressing is that in 2005 the World Bank withheld a promised $100m after the country dared to spend a portion of its oil revenues on health and education. Some anti-poverty organisation.
Whether she's right or wrong, I like how the claims are laid out nicely. Anyone can fact-check and come to their own conclusions.