Ottawa meetup, Saturday May 14 6pm
post by XFrequentist · 2011-05-13T21:14:30.252Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Directions: None No comments
Saturday May 14th, 18:00 - Late
- Social: My house (Little Italy, Ottawa - PM me for address)
- Games night: Poker @ Casino de Hull
- Continue getting to know each other and new members, continue getting more awesome, and discuss how to implement the various self-improvement/world optimizing schemes that are ongoing.
- Test your rationality by playing some poker at the casino (I can drive myself plus four). I'm happy to give a brief tutorial beforehand.
I live near Pub Italia, the Carling O-Train stop, and the corner of Preston & Carling. PM me for my address and/or cell number.
I'll post a more detailed invite to the google group.
Come one, come all!
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