The Two-Update Problem, Part 2

post by abramdemski · 2015-08-22T00:47:05.000Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

In the first part, I explained that the two-update problem can be understood in two different ways: (1) adding an axiom to a logic before defining a probability distribution for it is generally different from a Bayesian update on , and (2) improving our approximation of upon observing a proof of is generally different from a Bayesian update. (These two forms appear to really be the same problem.)

This may not be fundamentally concerning: perhaps neither of these should be a Bayesian update. However, Paul Christiano's paradox of ignorance suggests that we will have some problems if we depart from Bayesian updates. I closed with the question of whether we can circumvent this by making the update-on-proofs into a Bayesian update; I'll address that question here.

What we would want to do is start with a probability distribution which is ignorant of logic, and do a Bayesian update on facts of logic as we prove them. (I think this suggestion was made once or twice elsewhere; I'll link to original sources as I find them, but let me know if you know of them.) Can this be made to work?

The simplest case is that we start out by assigning every statement a probability of 1/2, independent of all other statements. We then run our theorem-prover, and update on any proofs we find. This doesn't just mean updating single sentences as they are proved; indeed, this would do nothing to alter the probability of other sentences. The important thing is to eliminate combinations of sentence truth-assignments which are proven to be inconsistent. For example, if we find that , we rule out the states where is true and is false. If is a new sentence not yet touched by anything else, this modifies by a likelihood ratio of 1:2 (making it less probable since its truth depends on a more constrained circumstance). Similarly, if is new, is modified by the likelihood ratio 2:1.

It follows that no matter how far along in the process we are, the likelihood ratio of is always being doubled or halved: it's halved when we encounter a proof of a new instance of (choosing to select an untouched ), and doubled when we encounter a new instance of (again, chosen so that is fresh). This means that the distribution can only converge if it converges to probabilities that are just 0 or 1. Furthermore, if is never proved or disproved, whether it converges to 0 or 1 could be manipulated by changing the order of the proof search; we can bias search toward cases of or of depending on which direction we want to drive .

(Again, I seem to recall that something like this has been discussed before -- let me know if you know where I should be linking to.)

So, this isn't any good. It seems like our initial distribution over sentences was too simplistic. For fixed , as we observe more and more proofs of or , the probability of should change less and less.

What if we start with the Solomonoff distribution over sentence truth-values, instead? We could regard a sequence of 0s and 1s as representing the truth and falsehood of sentences, with the th position in the sequence telling us about the th sentence. Unfortunately, logically consistent assignments of 1s and 0s are, taken together, an event of measure 0 in the Solomonoff distribution. There is no stochastic Turing machine which is guaranteed to produce such an assignment. (If there were such a machine, we could use it to specify a complete and consistent extension of by feeding it 1s rather than random bits, and taking just the first-order statements of the form "the axioms of PA ...".) This means the result of a Bayesian update is not defined by Bayes' theorem; perhaps we can construct something reasonable by taking limits, but this seems likely to run into the same problem as we saw with the prior which assigns 1/2 to everything.

Benja suggested a way to get around this: use a modified version of Solomonoff induction which uses Turing machines with a halting oracle. These machines can decide logical implication, and therefore will generate consistent assignments with nonzero probability.

Unfortunately, this approach will not be approximable. Machines with a halting oracle are equivalent to Schmidhuber's GTMs, which are not approximable for reasons exactly analogous to the halting problem.

What Benja effectively did is to say: let's use a mixture of all approximable probability distributions! This includes any reasonable probability distribution over logic we might ever come up with (if "reasonable" includes approximability). Updating on logic as a constraint is then straightforward. Sadly, this distribution is not itself approximable.

In the next post in this series, I plan to describe ways we considered to try and get around this.


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