Meetup : Montreal Less Wrong/Effective Altruism - 8, 760 hours: Setting goals for 2015
post by bartimaeus · 2015-01-02T22:20:04.561Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Less Wrong/Effective Altruism - 8, 760 hours: Setting goals for 2015 Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Less Wrong/Effective Altruism - 8, 760 hours: Setting goals for 2015 None No comments
Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Less Wrong/Effective Altruism - 8, 760 hours: Setting goals for 2015
The end of a year is the perfect time to review one’s life, goals, plans, and projects, as well as plan for the upcoming year. Alex Vemeer has been fine-tuning his own review process for several years, and it's a great model to start with. We'll take some time to brainstorm how 2014 went for us, what went great, what needs improvement, and we'll set some milestones for 2015.
Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal Less Wrong/Effective Altruism - 8, 760 hours: Setting goals for 2015
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