Meetup : Games in Kocherga club: FallacyMania, Tower of Chaos, Training game
post by Alexander230 · 2016-04-08T19:29:11.877Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 1 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : Games in Kocherga club: FallacyMania, Tower of Chaos, Training game Discussion article for the meetup : Games in Kocherga club: FallacyMania, Tower of Chaos, Training game None 1 comment
Discussion article for the meetup : Games in Kocherga club: FallacyMania, Tower of Chaos, Training game
Welcome to Moscow LW community makeshift games! In that games, some rationality skills are involved, so you can practise while you playing!
- FallacyMania: it is a game where you guess logical fallacies in arguments, or practise using logical fallacies yourself (depending on team in which you will be).
Details about the game are here:
- Tower of Chaos: funny game with guessing the rules of human placement on a Twister mat.
Game rules:
- Training Game Party: all players try to train the subject to guess and make some action without words, using only positive reinforcement.
Game rules:
Come to antikafe "Kocherga", ul.B.Dorogomilovskaya, 5-2. The map is here: . Nearest metro station is Kievskaya. If you are lost, call Sasha at +7-905-527-30-82.
Games begin at 19:40, the length is 2.5-3 hours.
Discussion article for the meetup : Games in Kocherga club: FallacyMania, Tower of Chaos, Training game
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