Meetup : Las Vegas Meetup
post by Adam Zerner (adamzerner) · 2017-04-28T00:52:37.705Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
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Discussion article for the meetup : Las Vegas Meetup
WHEN: First and third Sunday of the month. 7pm-9pm. Maybe hang around later if we want to.
I vow to try be there for the next three months, including this upcoming Sunday, regardless of whether anyone else attends. My girlfriend will probably be there too. There is some traveling, and some medical stuff I plan on doing but don't have dates for yet, so If I'm not there, I'll update this page, and the email list. Dates: 4/30, 5/7, 5/21 (cancelled, not feeling well), 6/4, 6/18, 7/2, 7/16.
WHERE: The Market. It's a mini-super market/coffee shop/restaurant. I'll be there ten minutes early at a table with my laptop and a "LessWrong meet up here" sign. There's free wifi, and it's fast. It isn't crowded or loud there, and there's a lot of seating space.
PARKING: There's free street parking on 8th street between Stewart and Mesquite. From there, it's <5 minute walk to The Market. It's not the safest area though. See for other options.
WHAT: First meet up - introductions, getting to know one another, and figuring out what our interests are and what we want to do. I was thinking we'd walk to Gold Spike afterwards for some fun! It's an "adult playground" (not sexual) with a bunch of fun games.
If there is interest in a concrete activity, we can do some poker hand analysis. Various people, including me, believe that poker is a good way to train as a rationalist. If you don't know how to play (and are interested), I can teach you. I'm decent. I play recreationally and am profitable at low limits.
White boards are awesome, so I will be bringing a white board.
EMAIL LIST:!forum/lesswrong-vegas
ME: 24 year old male, studied neuroscience in college, web developer, autodidacting right now, plans to start startups and use profits to do good for the world. See for more.
Discussion article for the meetup : Las Vegas Meetup
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