Lecture Series on Tiling Agents #2

post by abramdemski · 2025-01-20T21:02:25.479Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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It looks like my attempt to invite people to the lecture series failed, ie, the link I provided last time [LW · GW] only invited people to the first event in the series.

Here is a new link for this week: https://calendar.app.google/U6yuY56feipJNvgp8

Here is the link for the video call, which should stay the same every week, but doesn't add the event to your calendar: https://meet.google.com/bwp-nkck-ros

I don't want to keep posting like this each week, so I'm interested if anyone knows how I can provide an invite link that invites people to the whole series (or something equivalently helpful for people).

This week I'll keep going through the slides I started last time. Here is the video of last week's session: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UU3paAmJ9J4FdlJ6LIz9gvm7wcw53W06/view?usp=sharing


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