Knowledge Base 9: Increasing intelligence

post by iwis · 2024-05-09T15:46:07.451Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


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The post Knowledge Base 2: The structure and the method of building [LW · GW] I proposed to build a database of credible knowledge, understandable both to people and computers, including AI. This database could be used as a source of information in computer applications, and to increase the collective intelligence of people by easing and speeding up the exchange of knowledge and information between them. In my opinion, it could also be used to improve AI.

The current AI, including LLMs, has among others the following problems:

The importance of the first three topics for the development of AI was discussed at the following times: 0:57:10-0:59:10, 1:00:30-1:00:50, 1:25:00-1:28:25 during the Twitter Spaces session about xAI in July 2023.

The proposed database of credible knowledge could be used with LLMs in two ways. First, it could be used in the training process. Second, it could be used with the trained LLM as an external source of credible information on any topic, if the LLM lacks it. Finally, because the knowledge database is human-readable, it could be safer than a black-box LLM. The knowledge database can also be used as a source of knowledge for AI types other than neural networks.

In summary, the proposed knowledge database could enhance the intelligence of people and computers, making the AGI safer at the same time. Additionally, increasing the collective intelligence of people might also be an alternative method for achieving superintelligence.


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