First steps of a rationality skill bootstrap

post by hamnox · 2019-02-20T00:57:41.661Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


    Overall Guidelines
  Section 1: Illusion
  Section 2: Spirit
  Section 3: Runes
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Epistemic status: slightly more advanced than mixing stuff in a pot and throwing it at a wall to see what sticks

This is approximately the first step in a rationality bootstrap system I threw together for myself which I am sharing because I think it's a useful exercise in its own right. It's not without justification—I have spent a while building up and distilling insights from self-help and psych and neuro—buuuut I'm really bad at explaining the big vector field of evidence as it exists in my head so you just get the output! This implementation notably draws on KonMari, Soares' replacing guilt series,, this tumblr post on the basics of reasoning, and Kaj Sotala's IFS steelman [LW · GW].

tldr: An introduction to different parts of your brain and how to get them to work together: sensory realism, the output of associative-reactive learning algorithms, and abstracted models. Say hi, let them poke each other for a bit, and give them some guidelines for how to mesh.

Overall Guidelines

Section 1: Illusion

You are hallucinating your senses.

Sometimes your hallucinations match up really well with each other and other people's hallucinations, and we call it reality. Sometimes they don't, and we just call it hallucination. Either way you are hallucinating.

Get acquainted with the illusion.


1. Pick a comfortable and familiar place to be in.

2. Lay down for 1-3 minutes with your eyes closed and do nothing in particular. Set an actual timer for this so you don't undershoot it.

3. Open your eyes. Let your focus wander as it will until you notice yourself noticing a visual sensation. When you do, fix the view in your mind with the label "this one", close your eyes if that's helpful to stay focused, and lightly consider:

If you find the sensation to be none of above, take a moment to appreciate that you took the opportunity to conclude that. And don't forget that the absence of something can also be important or informative!

4. Repeat finding "this one" and classifying it for 20 things. A paper to mark the count will be helpful here.

5. Take a 1-3 minute lie-down doing nothing in particular again.

6. Go around the room smelling and/or tasting stuff. Fix the experience of a scent or flavor in your mind with the label "this one", and lightly consider if it is any of: high stake, a quality signal, or pleasant. If none of those fit, take a moment to appreciate that you had the opportunity to conclude their lack.

Do this for 10 ten scents or flavors. Huff air out your nose in between sniffs to clear out old scents, and close your eyes if it helps.

7. Take a 1-3 minute lie-down doing nothing in particular again.

8. Go around the room touching stuff. Fix a feel in your mind with the label "this one", and lightly consider if it is any of: high stake, a quality signal, or pleasant. If none of those fit, take a moment to appreciate that you had the opportunity to conclude their lack.

Do this for 10 touch sensations.

9. Take a 1-3 minute lie-down doing nothing in particular again.

10. Still laying down, listen for sounds. Fix a sound in your mind with the label "this one", and lightly consider if it is any of: high stake, a quality signal, or pleasant. If none of those fit, take a moment to appreciate that you had the opportunity to conclude their lack.

Do this for 10 sounds.

Section 2: Spirit

Sensations correspond more-or-less neatly with stuff in the territory. There are other processes going on in your brain which have more convoluted but still important relationships to the stuff in the territory: Memories. Emotions. Associations. Intuitions. Impulses. Aliefs. Autonomic responses. Reflexes. Habits. Aversions....

How well the output these processes fit a situation they're "about" can vary drastically. The causality of territory to hallucination to learning to reacting is not a trivial path to trace and optimize. There is, however, one correspondence to the territory that is very simple to track: this stuff exists in your brain. It is part of the territory that is a part of a person.

This leads to a cool hack to troubleshooting issues: you can orient to the "aboutness" of stuff and talk to it as you would a person... because there is a person there. That person is you. The aboutness is only a fragment of a person itself, but anything more it needs to be a whole person is right there for it to borrow. Orienting to the aboutness will be looking inward, regardless of where you place its voice in your imagination.

chatting heads

(See Kaj Sotala's IFS post or the book Impro for better wordsing.)

Internal double crux is one way you can run this, but it's not the only kind of interaction to be had.

Even when all your parts in alignment, you might still want to bring them into a meeting and make it common knowledge that they're in alignment. Nothing has to be going wrong to want to acknowledge what things went right and give credit where it is due. Sometimes you just want to check in to see what everyone thinks.

Those learning and reacting parts of your brain are really really powerful. You want them on your side. It pays to bring them fully on board with your goals and up to speed on reality.


1. Get comfortable and think back to where the evaluation of importance or pleasantness comes from, what it felt like to generate them. Imagine the assessor is there with you, or on the other side of your preferred communication medium. A symbolic item or a mirror may help some people with this.

2. Say hello and introduce yourself: who are you, what brings you around here?

3. Just start talking at them. Broadly, you'll want to cover:

It may be very awkward, but so are a bunch of important real life conversations.

4. Express thanks for the experience of working with them and any responses "they" gave.

5. If they're feeling chatty then try asking them whether they like you and trust you, what things you do are important to them. Express thanks for their responses.

6. Say goodbye and let them go.

Yeah I am not great at guiding people through gendlin-focusing-like things, sorry.

Section 3: Runes

You know how "Snow is white" is true if and only if snow is white?

"Snow is white" acts like a symbol here. It is a concept that you can build independently of whether snow is white, and associate it with bits of reality like a little XML tag [LW · GW]. You can effect magic by arranging the right runes in a valid spell. For my favorite jaunt through the land of runic magic, see The Simple Truth [LW · GW].


1. Get some writing materials, several pages worth, and settle down in a good place!

2. At the top of the page, write "Dumb Questions and Obvious Answers"

3. In short one-line sentences, write down some things you think. No need to worry right now about whether they're fully true or not, or whether they're consistent with each other, you can get to that later. Be bold in writing small and boring truths when they occur to you; obvious is good!

Also write down questions that you might ask to clarify things or put them in context. No need to try to answer them right now. Be bold in writing trivial or redundant questions when they occur to you; basic is good!

4. When you finish a page, put it face down for the moment. Close your eyes, take a several deep breaths, get up to do some stretches. Then sit down and flip the paper back up again.

. Cover all but the first line with another sheet of paper, and consider:

Section 4, Synthesis, to be in the next installment.

People who post to restate bits in their own words are rock stars in my book. That goes doubly for own words + examples. People who cross-reference are gods.


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