Meetup : West LA—The Worst Argument in the World
post by OpenThreadGuy · 2014-09-26T04:24:48.117Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : West LA—The Worst Argument in the World Discussion article for the meetup : West LA—The Worst Argument in the World None No comments
Discussion article for the meetup : West LA—The Worst Argument in the World
How to Find Us: Go into this Del Taco. We will be in the back room if possible.
Parking is free in the lot out front or on the street nearby.
Discussion: Last week, I included a link to the Worst Argument in the World essay, not because it was relevant to last week's topic, but because I thought it was something that people should read. This week, I realized what I should have done instead. The three recommended readings are all rewrites of the same essay, but since the first one is the best, you don't need to read the others unless you didn't understand it or something.
Recommended Reading:
- The Worst Argument in the World
- Cleaing Up the "Worst Argument" Essay
- The Noncentral Fallacy—The Worst Argument in the World
No prior exposure to Less Wrong is required; this will be generally accessible.
Discussion article for the meetup : West LA—The Worst Argument in the World
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