Video lectures on the learning-theoretic agenda

post by Vanessa Kosoy (vanessa-kosoy) · 2024-10-27T12:01:32.777Z · LW · GW · 0 comments

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  Table of Contents
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This is a YouTube playlist of recorded lectures on the learning-theoretic AI alignment agenda [AF · GW] (LTA) I gave for my MATS scholars of the Winter 2024 cohort, edited by my beloved spouse @Marcus Ogren [AF · GW]. H/t William Brewer for helping with the recording, and the rest of the MATS team for making this possible.

I hope these will become a useful resource for anyone who wants to get up to speed on the LTA, complementary to the reading list [AF · GW]. Notable topics that aren't covered include metacognitive agents [LW(p) · GW(p)] (although there is an older recorded talk on that) and infra-Bayesian physicalism [LW · GW]. In the future, I might record more lectures to expand this playlist.

EDIT: I know the audio quality is bad, and I apologize. I will try to do better next time.

Table of Contents

  1. Agents and AIXI
  2. Hidden rewards and the problem of privilege
  3. Compositionality
  4. Nonrealizability
  5. It's a trap!
  6. Traps, continued
  7. Traps and frequentist guarantees
  8. Game theory and learning theory
  9. Hidden rewards
  10. Algorithmic Descriptive Agency Measure (ADAM)
  11. General reinforcement learning
  12. Infra-Bayesianism
  13. Learnability
  14. Infra-Bandits
  15. Newcombian problems
  16. Ultradistributions and semi-environments
  17. Formalizing Newcombian problems
  18. Pseudocausality and a general formulation of Newcombian problems
  19. Decision rules and pseudocausality
  20. Instrumental reward functions
  21. Infra-Bayesian haggling, part 1
  22. Infra-Bayesian haggling, part 2
  23. Anytime algorithms in multi-agent settings
  24. Bounded inductive rationality


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