Have any parties in the current European Parliamentary Election made public statements on AI?

post by MondSemmel · 2024-05-10T10:22:48.342Z · LW · GW · No comments

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The European parliamentary election is currently taking place (voting period: 2024-04-07 to 2024-07-10). While I assume my vote[1] has ~no impact on x-risk either way, I'd nonetheless like to take into account if parties have made public statements on AI. But I'm not sure they do. Does anyone know, or how to find out? 

I guess there's also the question of past legislative records on AI, which might be even more predictive of future behavior. There's the EU's AI Act [LW · GW], but I'm not sure what its current implementation status is, whether it's considered useful by AI x-risk folks, or what if any political parties have made any statements on it. I'm also not sure how to interpret the parties' parliamentary voting record on it.[2]

  1. ^

    In case it matters, I'm from Germany, Bavaria.

  2. ^

    The roll-call vote results can be found here after clicking on "Artificial Intelligence Act". The 523/46/49 votes for the +/-/0 results are the votes in favor/against/abstained.


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