Self-help, hard and soft

post by technicalities · 2020-06-07T15:39:29.746Z · LW · GW · 0 comments


  Build your own typology
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Summary: Four types of trying to be better.

Confidence: 90% that this beats the 0-D or 1-D idea. 50% that this is the best phrasing or 2D projection.

I get annoyed when I click a post and find that it's not a list of things [LW · GW] to try, or a cool tool [LW · GW] for reasoning or deciding. But I don't endorse this annoyance, and I try to be less narrow.

The following may be helpful if you're like me, and want to understand what people are doing and so circumvent annoyance. (I think it beats "rationality" vs "post-rationality" because it drops the incipient in-group/out-group stuff and focusses on what people are actually doing.)

I began with a vague 1D idea: that there's "hard self-help" (actionable, crisp, objective) and soft self-help (contemplative, vague, subjective). This is really not useful without using two dimensions, though:

External Internal
Legible Lifehacks Techniques
Illegible Attempts Seeking


External Internal
L supplements, exercise, Things I Use, Quantified Self, checklists, Anki, time management, Algos to Live By Models, CBT, bug lists, IDC [LW · GW], Focussing, this 2x2
I brainstorming, CoZe [LW · GW], Oblique Strategies, 'Actually Try [LW · GW]', 'Dive In', going with your gut [LW · GW] Art, stream entry, Kōans, aphorism, Replacing Guilt


Build your own typology

Improvements welcome.

Thanks to Misha, Neel and Nandi for helpful comments.


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