Meetup : Washington, D.C.: Fun & Games Meetup
post by RobinZ · 2014-09-06T04:37:20.839Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
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Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: Fun & Games Meetup
We will be meeting in the Kogod Courtyard of the National Portrait Gallery (8th and F Sts or 8th and G Sts NW, go straight past the information desk from either entrance) to hang out, play games, and engage in fun conversation. A note to those who plan ahead: we are tentatively switching to a monthly schedule for Fun & Games meetups, rather than every-three-meetings. Among the reasons for this is that the Mini Talks meetups seem to be fun enough and popular enough to deserve a regular slot as well. After this meetup, our tentative plan for the rest of the month is:
- Sept. 14 - Parkour (Backup: CFAR's Getting Things Done systems)
- Sept. 21 - Mini Talks
- Sept. 28 - Book Swap
Discussion article for the meetup : Washington, D.C.: Fun & Games Meetup
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