Meetup : Montreal LessWrong Meetup - The Science of Winning at Life

post by Paul_G · 2013-02-12T21:19:24.569Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 comments


  Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal LessWrong Meetup - The Science of Winning at Life
  Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal LessWrong Meetup - The Science of Winning at Life
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Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal LessWrong Meetup - The Science of Winning at Life

WHEN: 18 February 2013 06:30:00PM (-0500)

WHERE: 655 Avenue du Président Kennedy, Montréal, QC H3A 3H9

Weekly meeting of the Montreal LessWrong Meetup group.

We've decided to look into the Science of Winning at Life. You can read the sequence here ( if you're interested.

See you there!

Discussion article for the meetup : Montreal LessWrong Meetup - The Science of Winning at Life


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