Meetup : [Boston] The Psychology of Marketing
post by ModusPonies · 2013-06-12T15:21:05.221Z · LW · GW · Legacy · 0 commentsContents
Discussion article for the meetup : [Boston] The Psychology of Marketing Discussion article for the meetup : [Boston] The Psychology of Marketing None No comments
Discussion article for the meetup : [Boston] The Psychology of Marketing
f you've ever asked the question "how can I use my knowledge of psychology to take over the world?", then this talk is for you. Through the dark art known as marketing, people have been exploiting human psychology for their own means before the phrase "cognitive bias" even existed. Learn the science behind marketing, how you can use these methods to aid or destroy the world, and how you can protect yourself from the bombardment of advertisements that surround us all.
Cambridge/Boston-area Less Wrong meetups are on the first and third Sunday of every month at 2pm in MIT's building 66 at 25 Ames St, room 156. Room number subject to change based on availability; signs will be posted with the actual room number.
Discussion article for the meetup : [Boston] The Psychology of Marketing
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